Color facts to memorize
Imaginary numbers
Geography twists
Nut Exports

The most common color on national flags.

What is: Red?


An inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment.

What is: the Phillips Curve?


The only river in the last 12,000 years whose flow is known to have permanently reversed directions.

What is: the Chicago River?


China grows nearly all of this true nut in the world, which you might roast over an open fire.

What is: Chestnut?


The sensitivity of one variable due to changes in another, often using percentage changes in prices and quantities.

What is: Elasticity?


The fruit featuring prominently in Gwen Stefani's "Hollaback Girl" (2005) turns this color when ripe.

What is: Yellow?


The accounting identity acrostically identified by the categories of this trivia game.

What is: GDP? (also accepted: obvious variants)


The largest lake by surface area on Earth, whose name doesn't include "Lake."

What is: the Caspian Sea?


Georgia is the leading exporter of this false nut, which also featured prominently in Jimmy Carter's public image.

What is: peanut?


Steven Spielberg directed this 2021 Oscar-nominated film, the second feature-length adaptation of the famous Sondheim musical.

What is: West Side Story?


"Opticks," a treatise containing the first color wheel, was written by this famous 17th century English polymath.

Who is: Isaac Newton?


i ^ 613

What is: i


The two South American countries that Brazil does not border.

What are: Ecuador and Chile.


Hawai'i is the only state in the U.S. where this false nut is grown commercially. Robert likes it in cookies.

What is: Macadamia nut?


In this sport, players form a "ruck" when the ball is loose on the ground; you have to ground the ball on the "try line" to score.

What is: Rugby?


The quality of a color's intensity or saturation; one of three parameters that sufficiently describe color.

What is: Chroma?


113 degrees Fahrenheit, expressed in Celsius.

What is: 45 degrees Celsius?


This river flows through a city mentioned in the lyrics of "Party in the U.S.A." by Miley Cyrus (2009).

What is: Los Angeles River (Also accepted: Cumberland River, which passes through Nashville TN)


One of the only two U.S. states that contain the letters of "nut" in its name. Its most valuable export in 2022 were aircraft parts, not commuters.

What is: Connecticut?


A native of East London, traditionally one born within earshot of bells at the Church of St Mary-le-Bow.

What is: Cockney?


Red-green colorblindness is relatively common; deficiency in these two colors is relatively rare.

What are: blue and yellow?


The modal number of electors per state in the Electoral College for the 2012, 2016, and 2020 U.S. presidential elections.

What is: 3?


"EZ" is the FIPS code for this Central European country, whose longest river famously inspired a Romantic era symphonic poem.

What is: Czechia? (also accepted: Czech Republic)


The best-selling breakfast cereal in the U.S. since 2011, which contains no nuts.

What is: Honey Nut Cheerios?


This Sri Lankan kingdom, extant from the early 16th century until 1815, waged a series of successful wars and diplomatic maneuvers forestalling Portuguese, Dutch, and British annexation.

What is: Kandy? (Also accepted: in other languages)