What does the movie rating R stand for?
Where does Intrinsic Motivation Come From?
From Within; Inside
What Is The Name Of The Player In Baseball Who Is Positioned Behind The Home Plate
What is the first name of Mr. Hulse, whom the detention center is named after?
Minard E.
What colors was Mickey Mouse originally?
Black and White
Jennifer Lawrence famously played Katniss Everdeen in what movie trilogy?
the Hunger Games
What does the D in DARN-CAT Stand For?
A Spare
What Career Path promotions are you able to obtain?
Name the 2
Senior Juvenile Counselor/Officer
Principal Juvenile Counselor/Officer
Who commanded the U.S. Confederate Army in the U.S. Civil War?
Robert E. Lee
Why don't people change?
2 Reasons
Don't Know How to; Don't want to
How much does an NFL football weigh? In pounds
1 pound
A major rule infraction used to result in what consequence?
24 Hours in Your Room
Which country invented tea?
Freddy Krueger wears a striped sweater that is which colors?
Read and Green
Name two (2) of the top three (3) criminogenic needs
1. Attitudes, Values, Beliefs
2. Social Networks
3. Anti-Social Personality Patterns
What is the only sport to ever be played on the moon?
What does the acronym FACE-IT stand for?
Families and Community Engaged in Treatment
Where would you find the Sea of Tranquility?
The Moon
What movie includes the line, "Never rat on your friends and keep your mouth shut?"
What does EPICS stand for?
Effective Practices in Correctional Settings
Champion NBA point guard Kyrie Irving was born in which country?
What Year did the Hulse Detention Center in Vernon Hills, Illinois open?
What element does the chemical symbol Au stand for?