What is the largest desert in the world?
The Sahara
It will all
Come out in the wash
All is quiet
On the western front.
doctor who diagnoses and treats conditions that affect your nervous system, such as your brain, spinal cord and nerves.
Kilimanjaro is located in which country?
It is as hard to find as a
Needle in a haystack
The winter of
Our discontent
For this occupation you must have a CDL & CPL certification.
Commercial Truck Driver
Salt Lake City
What is the #1 visited tourist attraction in the world?
Eiffel Tower
Hell hath no fury
like a woman scorned
Ala Babba
& the 40 thieves
an individual who works aboard trains, coordinating the daily activities of the crew.
Train conductor
New Jersey
Christ the Redeemer is a statue which looks over which city?
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
a stitch in time
Saves 9
The adventures
Of Sherlock Holmes
this belief or occupation describes itself as the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, others, and all of life
New Hampshire
Which Greek God has been immortalized in a statue that you can visit in Olympia?
A rolling stone
Gathers no moss
Anne of
Green Gables
the President’s chief foreign affairs adviser and carries out U.S. foreign policies through the State Department and the Foreign Service.
Secretary of state