Word Meanings
Items used at Mass
Parts of the Mass

What does "in persona Christi" mean?

A Latin phrase that means "in the person of Christ."


What is the cup that holds the wine, mixed with water, that will become the Blood of Christ called?



How many readings are there during a Sunday Mass? (bonus: what are they called?)

Four readings

First reading, Psalm, Second reading, Gospel


True/False: Going to Mass on Sunday is optional, and you only need to attend when you feel like it.

False. God requires us to go to Mass every Sunday so that we may worship Him for all that He has done for us. 


What does "Amen" mean?

I believe.


Why is there a red candle by the Tabernacle in the Church?

Signifies Jesus' presence in the Tabernacle


When during the Mass do we sing Alleluia? (bonus: what does Alleluia mean?)

Right before the Gospel

Alleluia means "Praise the Lord"


Why do we stand up when the Gospel is proclaimed?

Out of respect for and readiness to receive the Word of God


What does "transubstantiation" mean?

The bread and wine change into the Body and Blood of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.


During what part of the Mass do we hear bells?

At the Consecration


Why do we kneel during the consecration?

As a sign of deep reverence and adoration for Jesus, who becomes fully present on the altar


What two things does the priest kiss during the Mass?

The altar and the Book of the Gospels


What does "Eucharist" mean?

The original Greek word means "thanksgiving."


What are the five different colors of vestments that the priest wears at Mass? 

(bonus: what do the colors mean?)

Red - Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Pentecost, feast of a martyr (passion and blood)

White - Christmas, Easter, feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, saints who weren't martyrs (joy, purity, light, glory)

Green - ordinary time (hope and new life)

Violet - Advent and Lent (penance, preparation, and repentance)

Black - Feast of All Souls, funerals (mourning and death)

Rose - Third Sunday of Advent and Fourth Sunday of Lent (joy)


What is the name of the creed we say during Mass?

Nicene Creed


What sacrament is celebrated during the Mass?

The Eucharist


What does "Kyrie Eleison" mean? (bonus: what language is it?)

Greek for "Lord, have mercy."


What is a purificator used for during the Mass?

A purificator is used to clean and purify the chalice and the ciboria after Holy Communion.


What are the two different parts of the Mass called?

The Liturgy of the Word

The Liturgy of the Eucharist


What sacrifice is represented during the Mass?

The Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross