
What is one of Mckenna's most embarrassing moments?

What is Mckenna got toilet paper stuck in her pants at the fair.


Do Mckenna's eyes change color?

What is yes.

Jadyn bought 8 bags of candies. Each bag cost $7. How much did Jadyn spend altogether?
What is $56
15 divided by____ = 5. Write a multiplication equation that could help you solve this problem.
What is 3 x 5 = 15 or 5 x 3 = 15

At Raymond's Peach Farm, farmers picked 8 peaches each day for 6 days. After picking the peaches, the farmers put 4 peaches into each box. How many boxes were filled?

What is 12 boxes filled 


When was Mckenna Born?

What is January 29th 2011.


What is Mckenna's top 2 favorite animals?

What is dog and peacock.

Kameron spent $36 buying school supplies at the student store for his 4 best friends. How much money did Kameron spend on each friend?
What is $9
72 divided by ____= 9. Write a multiplication equation that could help you solve this problem.
What is 9 x 8 = 72 or 8 x 9 = 72

Pham has 12 cupcakes to bring to a party. Ronni has 23 cookies to bring. If they put the desserts together, how many desserts do the 7 guests get to have?

What is 5 desserts


What day was Mckenna born on?

What is saturday.


Did Mckenna ever move?

What is yes.

Kylie has a bushel of 48 apples she bought at Costco. She puts an equal number of apples into 6 bags. How many apples are in each bag?
What is 8 apples
7 x 7 =____. Write a division equation that goes with this problem.
What is 49 divided by 7 = 7

Students got Starbursts for following directions the first time. Ms. Crawford's class had 6 students following directions; Ms. Scarvie's class had 4 students and Ms. Wasson's class had 7 students following directions. If each student gets 3 Starbursts, how many Starbursts do the teachers need to buy?

What is 51 Starbursts


What is a traditional thing that the family does in the summer?

What is going to Georgia.


What is Mckenna's top 3 favorite colors?

What is Pink, Turquoise, Purple.


Johlesa saw 54 ladybug legs at the park. Each ladybug has 6 legs. How many ladybugs did Johlesa see at the park?

What is 9 ladybugs

____ divided by 6 = 8. Write a multiplication equation that helps you solve this problem.
What is 6 x 8 = 48 or 8 x 6 = 48

Mrs. Olson brought in 3 juice boxes for third grade to have as a reward. Each juice box has 12 juice pouches. There are 70 third graders. How many more juice pouches does Mrs. Olson need?

What is 34 more juice pouches


What is Mckenna's favorite singer?

What is Luke Bryan.


Is Mckenna Crazy?

What is yes.

Students read 3 chapters a day for two weeks. How many chapters did each student read in all?
What is 42 chapters
Write the entire fact family for the following numbers: 9, 45, 5
What are 9 x 5 = 45, 5 x 9 = 45, 45 divided by 9 = 5 and 45 divided by 5 = 9

Ilhan decided to make cupcakes. She mixed together 7 grams of sugar and 9 grams of cocoa. Each cupcake pan can hold 2 grams of cupcake mix. How many cupcakes will Ilhan be able to make if these were the only 2 ingredients?

What is 8 cupcakes