What member of the Disney Fab Five is known for his sailor suit?
Donald Duck
What is the rarest duck Pokemon, and what does it hold?
Farfetch'd, it holds a leek or an onion
This country accounts for 76% of duck consumption worldwide
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a ____
Ducks are found on every continent except ______
Who is the world’s richest fictional duck?
Scrooge McDuck
Who is the strongest Canonical magical user in Final Fantasy?
Donald Duck
An American dish, consisting of a whole de-boned chicken, stuffed into a whole de-boned duck, stuffed into a whole de-boned turkey.
Koloa is a kind of duck native to _____
This food has no nutritional value to ducks and can cause malnutrition if consumed too often.
What food does the duck ask for in “The Duck Song”?
How many duck villagers are in Animal Crossing New Horizons?
In what dish does the duck get pumped with air through the skin before cooking?
Peking Duck
Due to high levels of cholesterol and saturated fat, eating duck can increase your risk of this illness
Ducks caught in the wild may be contaminated from pollution of rivers and other bodies of water, because they eat ____
What duck co-starred in Space Jam with Micheal Jordan?
Daffy Duck
When was Duck Hunt first released?
This liquid found in ducks is used in certain dishes in Vietnam, Poland, and China
Duck blood
Similar to humans, ducks from various regions of the world have different _____
Buying what kind of stamp helps protect duck conservation efforts in the world?
Duck Stamps
What was Daisy Duck’s original name?
What does Donald Duck say to Sora in the first kingdom hearts game? "This boat runs on ____ _____"
"This boat runs on happy faces"
What is the most famous duck dish in france?
Confit de Canard
Ducks will lay more eggs if there is more _____
How long can ducks live in the absence of humans?
Up to 20 years