What is the most widely used operating system for personal computers?
Which educational modality uses platforms like Google Classroom and Moodle?
Distance education
Which verb tense is used to talk about habitual actions in the present?
Present Simple
What characterizes Web 1.0?
Static pages and read-only content
What does "USB" stand for?
Universal Storage Bus
Who is considered the father of modern pedagogy?
Maria Montessori
Which word is a synonym for "happy"?
Which technology is key to Web 3.0?
What does the acronym "HTML" stand for in the context of the web?
HyperText Markup Language
What is the name of the theory that learning happens through social interaction?
Sociocultural Theory
What is the irregular plural of "child"?
Which platform is an example of Web 2.0?
Who is considered the founder of artificial intelligence?
John McCarthy
Which teaching methodology emphasizes self-education and learning through experimentation?
Montessori Method
What type of word is "however" in the sentence "However, I disagree"?
What concept defines Web 3.0 as a "semantic web"?
Use of artificial intelligence to understand content