Green Thumbs Only
Sleuth the Slang
One Summers Day
Everything but the kitchen sink
Old Wives Tales and Superstitions

What does it mean if someone has a "Green Thumb"?

It means they are good at gardening, or planting and harvesting a variety of things.


Is it a compliment or an insult to call someone a "piece of work"?

What is insult. If you call someone a piece of work, you are in effect calling them high maintenance or difficult person. 


On July 4th 1776, the U.S. celebrates what holiday, and what is it's significance?

What is the 4th of July, when we gained our independence from Great Britain. 

If you mix blue and yellow together, what color do you get?

What is green.


Why would someone "knock on wood"?

To prevent bad luck. The practice of knocking on wood for luck may have originated with ancient pagan cultures, such as the Celts, who believed that spirits and gods lived in trees. Knocking on tree trunks could have been a way to avoid bad luck and prevent evil spirits. 


A tall yellow flower named after the star that orbits earth.

What is sunflower. 


If someone says lets "set the record straight"... what do they mean?

What is to tell the truth, or put an end to a rumor. 


Shall I compare thee to a _______  ______? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. 

What is summers day, as Shakespeare wrote it.


Finish the lyric: "L is for the way you look at me, O is for..."

What is "the only one I see."


True or false: Touching a baby bird or bunny will scare its mother off due to human scent. 

What is false. No, human scent is not likely to scare away a mother bird or bunny. Birds have a poor sense of smell and don't have olfactory nerves that are tuned to human scent. In fact, mother birds often won't even know if a human has touched their baby. Mother rabbits don't care how their babies smell and will continue to care for them, even if they've been handled. In fact, mother rabbits often leave their young for most of the day, only returning to feed them a few times. This wives tale probably spread because people didn't want their children touching wild animals and possibly getting a communicable disease. 


Red what, are a sign of romance, and are especially popular on valentines day?

Red Roses.


To "mull it over". 

What is to think on it.

 What does SPF stand for in sunscreen products?

a) Sun Protection Factor

b) Skin Protection Factor

c) Sun Prism Factor

What is a, Sun Protection Factor. Don't forget to reapply every 30 minutes to an hour!


What is the difference between chicken pot pie, and sheperd's pie?

variations of pot pie have originated in Greece, Spain, and a multitude of other countries, all utilizing different crusts, proteins, vegetables, and sauces. When thinking of chicken pot pie, you might consider Marie Callender, the stalwart pie producer that trafficks in rich, hearty pies at their restaurants and in the freezer aisle of grocery stores.


It is back luck to open what inside? (hint: think rain.)

What is an umbrella.

The term for taking a leaf or stem of a plant and putting it into new soil, to grow on its own?

What is propagation.


What does "Close, but no cigar." mean?

What is a narrowly missed success. The phrase "close but no cigar" became popular in the 1930s after first appearing in print in 1929. The phrase originated in the United States in the mid-20th century at carnival booths that gave out cigars as prizes for winning games. When a player came close to winning but failed, the booth owner would shout "close but no cigar" to indicate that the player would not receive a cigar. 


Commonly seen on summer nights, this is another name for lightning bugs?

What is fireflies.

Where are the 2024 Summer Olympics being held?

Where is Paris, France. This is the sixth time that France has hosted the Olympics. The U.S. comparatively takes the lead with the most hosts to the games with a total of 8 times.


Throw this over your shoulder.

What is salt.


This insect is known for being a key pollinator in gardens and agriculture.

What is a bee. They are extremely important to the environment, although the bee population in the U.S. has steady declined every year since 2006. 


Billy took a bite of his mom's famous chicken tacos and the taste was delicious. He immediately said "mmm, these tacos are fire." Using this context, what does Billy mean by "fire"?

What is good, or on point. If someone says your food or outfit is fire, it is considered a compliment. 


When was the bombing of Hiroshima?

August 6th, 1945.


This purple plant has a strong smell, associated with relaxation. There are painting of fields of this plant.

What is lavender. 


If you want to grow tall and strong, you were told to drink this. 

What is milk.