In the Kitchen
This or That
Children's Rhymes
Color Association
Famous Firsts

Which fruit is known for its high vitamin C content and often used in juices?

What is an orange.


Which car company introduced the first mass-produced car, the Model T?
A) Chevrolet
B) Ford  

What is a, Ford.


In the rhyme "Jack and Jill," what do Jack and Jill go up the hill to fetch?

What is a pail of water.


Which famous singer was called old blue eyes?

Who is Frank Sinatra.


Who was the first person to walk on the moon?

Who is Neil Armstrong. That's "One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."


What popular kitchen item is used to brew tea or boil water quickly?

What is a kettle. 
Which combination did Elvis Presley prefer?

a) Peanut butter, banana, and bacon on oats 

b) Peanut butter and banana and bacon toast 

What is B! Peanut butter, banana, and bacon on toast.


Little Bo Peep lost her?

What is Sheep.


Tie a _____ ribbon round the ole oak tree...

What is yellow.


What was the first hit album of 1964?

What is "I Want To Hold Your Hand" by the Beatles.


What item do you need to take a hot dish out of the oven?

What are oven mitts (or in a pinch, a dish rag).


Which was the popular dance style in the 1960s?

A) The Twist
B) The Moonwalk


What is B) The Moonwalk


What was the name of the character who slept in all the bear's beds, and ate all the porridge? 

Who is Goldie Locks.


We all live in a...

What is Yellow Submarine.


Who was the first person to invent the telephone?

Who is Alexander Graham Bell.


Where did Spaghetti and Meatballs originate?

A) Spain

B) Italy

C) Sweden

D) United States 

What is D, The United States. Originally inspired by dishes from southern Italy, Italian immigrants in New York created and popularized the modern spaghetti and meatballs.


Which classic toy was introduced by Hasbro in 1965?
A) Barbie
B) GI Joe

What is B, GI Joe.


"Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as ________."

What is snow.


Five foot two, eyes so ____, has anybody seen our gal?

What is blue.


 Which pet was domesticated first: A cat or a dog?

Archeological evidence shows that dogs were the first to be domesticated around 30,000 years ago. This means they were domesticated well before horses, sheep, and cats.


What is the most expensive spice per ounce? Hint: It is purple

What is Saffron.


What year did World War II officially end?
A) 1945
B) 1950

What is a, 1945.


"Hey diddle diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The dish ran away with the ________."

What is spoon.


This is the color of Mickey Mouse's trousers.

What is red?


Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?

Who is Marie Curie.