What Sport and What team does PATRICK KANE Play on?
What is Hockey/NHL and What is the red wings
What ITALIAN Food spread across all over the Planet?
What is PIZZA
What Brand of (POP) has Mt. Dew as a name?
What is PEPSI
The United States consists of how many states?
What is the most known pet?
What is a dog
Who was the MVP of the 2025 Superbowl?
Who is Jalen Hurts
Which vegetable is used to make pickles?
What is a Cucumber
What Brand does WALMART use?
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What is the tallest mountain in the world?
What is Mt. Everest
Why do dogs go on LEASHES?
Because so they don't Chase and Bark at them and keep them from biting you!
Who is the most known Soccer Player in the world?
Who is Messi and/or Ronaldo
Is a tomato a fruit or vegetable?
What is a FRUIT
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Craisins are both a popular snack and a registered trademark. What fruit is used to make Craisins?
What are Cranberrys
Which is the biggest country in the world?
What is RUSSIA
What world country won the 2024 OLYMPICS?
What is the USA
What is the B stand for in a BLT?
What is BACON
What Brand of cars does the word Challenger and/or Charger?
What is DODGE
How many oceans are there?
How much is (4) four
What type of animal(s) does the species "SEA" Come from?
What is a SEA TURTLE
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Name the four (4) Major Sport Teams?
What is Hockey, Football, Basketball, and Baseball
Which fruit is known for its high vitamin C content?
What is a ORANGE
What brand of chocolate bar, made of nougat, topped with caramel, and covered with milk chocolate, shares its name with the galaxy which contains our Solar System?
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Which river forms part of the boundary between Mexico and the United States? Hint: Think of an AVENUE in NJ or wildwood?
What is Rio Grande
What type of animal does the species "TABBY" come from?
What is a CAT