Outdoor Code
Leave No Trace
Tread Lightly!

How far away from a water source/trail can you brush teeth and pee?

At least 100 ft (40 adult steps). Note: catholes should be dug at least double that distance. 


How should one "respect wildlife"? Why is this important?

Avoid disturbing them (w/ quick noises & movements), maintain distance, keep food and garbage secure. Important to 'keep wildlife wild' so they don't lose their natural instincts & die. 


How should you "travel responsibly"?

Stay on designated roads/waterways, trails, etc.; go over, not around obstacles....


What's "outdoor ethics"?

Framework that helps make proper, ethical decisions while enjoying the outdoors; leaving a place better than when found.


How far away should you camp from a campsite/trail?

At least 200 feet! (80 steps)


Where should campsites be made?

In established campsites on a durable surface, if possible and at least 200 ft (80 steps) from a water source and trail. Campsites 


How should you "respect the rights of others"?

Be courteous, let the sounds of nature prevail, travel in groups of less than 10, yield to others on the trail, wear clothing/bring equipment that have subdued colors, manage pets....

When did Scouts introduce the concept of "minimum impact camping"?

the (late) 1970s


How should campfire impacts be minimized? 

Use them only when necessary, and when allowed (on established fire ring/pan/mound); keep fires small; only use dead wood smaller than an adult wrist; avoid depleting wood supply from same area; replace soil where found & scatter unused wood....


What's the slogan for "leave what you find"?

"Take nothing but pictures; leave nothing but footprints."


What's the hiker's etiquette for crossing private land?

Seek permission prior, leave gates as found, leave no evidence of presence. 


Who trains the BSA's Master Educators?

the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics (the Center)


What are the best surfaces on which to camp?

Durable surfaces (i.e. rock, gravel, sand, compacted dirt, snow, ice, pine needles and dry grass)


What principle does 'pack it in, pack it out' fall under? What's an example of this?

Principle 1: Plan Ahead and Prepare; ex. leave most potential trash at home by repackaging food supplies prior. 


How should tents be setup in pristine areas?

Camp and cook dispersed, moving camp daily to avoid creating permanent campsites. Avoid places where impacts are beginning; 'meadow walk' to avoid creating new trails.


Who conceived LNT and when?

The National Forest Service in the 1960s. 


What should you do when leaving a pristine campsite?

Police the area, then naturalize it to discourage others from camping in the same spot and to encourage recovery.


How should dishes be washed outdoors?

Strain dishwater, pack out food particles, then broadcast strained dishwater in an area at least 200 ft from a water source/campsite/trail. Ideally, scatter dishwater in a sunny area to accelerate evaporation.


What's the mission of the Tread Lightly! org.?

To promote responsible outdoor recreation. 


Who developed the concept of the Land Ethic and what does it mean?

Aldo Leopold; it means actions should be considered in light of their impact on the land, alternatives available should be selected that have the least impact. "A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise."