Who is the youngest Assistant Scoutmaster in Troop 1320
Matt "Mr Matt Clark" Clark
What year was BSA founded
Considered the easiest merit badge to obtain at summer camp
Finger printing
This Scout created the Little free libraries in Peters Township
Pratiik Kaushik
The only Eagle scout president of America
Gerald Ford
This Leader has been Scoutmaster twice
Mr Nissly
Credited as the founder of Scouting
Lord Baden Powell
A requirement is to sleep in a tent for 20 nights
Camping MB
This scout built the family promise shed
Andrew Miller
The First Man on the moon
Neil Armstrong
This leader is an eagle scout and works for IBM
Mr Clark
The Location of the Jamboree since 2013
The Sumit
focuses on the country
Citizenship in the Nation
This scout built the mile markers around peters lake trail
Matt Clark
The lead singer in Imagine Dragons
Dan Reynolds
This Leader is a leader in more than one troop
Mr Trischler
What year did eagle scout rank celebrate its 100th year
Required Merit badge that deals with food
This scout build the dock at Peters Lake
Joe Grzyb
U.S. Representative from Arkansas
Bill Alexander
This leader is a CFO and is also involved with the cub scouts along with the boy scouts
Mr Meyers
Where is the next World Jamboree
Summit/USA in 2019
Requirement 1. Sing or play a simple song or hymn chosen by your counselor, using good technique, phrasing, tone, rhythm, and dynamics. Read all the signs and terms of the score.
Music Merit badge
This Scout built a music equipment shelf in the Peters Township High School band room
Max Bruce
World renown merit badge counselor for fishing and fly fishing
Mr Clark