For the past two summer camps, what item has troop 15 protested for?
Chocolate Milk
What year was Troop 15 founded in?
Popular saying started by Jake leeson meaning “it isn’t good but it’ll work”
It’s buff
What is the patrol with the ship and chains as there flag
What is the location of the weeklong camp that we go to every year?
In the summer camp of 2021 what lashing structure did we build to aid in our protests?
A raft
Who founded the troop?
A group of representative citizens
When moving from place to place t go a saying is screamed and portrays a steady pace
Scout pace!
The patrol that started and ended during Covid. Made by ASPL.
burrito bous
The name of the hike that the troop does every 100 years?
Centennial hike
What activity did troop 15 do at Laurel Highlands?
Spelunking or cave exploration
What building did troop 15 originally meet in?
A real estate building
popular chant when protesting for chocolate milk
What do we want. Chocolate milk
I told with a patch of a man peeking over a brick wall
What is the camp that we went to before Beaumont at summer camp?
I what is the name of the coast guard station that troop 15 visited
Morro bay
What year did troop 15 officially charter a scouts bsa troop for girls?
n February 1, 2019, Plymouth Church also chartered a Scouts BSA Troop for girls (15G)
When asking a question to an adult, the adult commonly says this saying
Ask your spl
Patrol with the golden spatula as its patch
Lost and found patrol
55 miles, 12441 ft of elavation
What is the name of the camporee that tima contributed his ideas in?
Ricky’s revenge
Who was the first scoitmaster
Phill r brooke
TSaid when someone is being wasteful.
Your wasting resources!
The patrol with a pocket, knife and wings as it’s flag
IIt was meant for cleaning, brought to get water out of canoes, what was the final use?
Oo buckrt