Who is the current SPL of troop 153?
Who is Max Dunkelberger.
Who is good at knots.
Who is Patrick Flynn?
Who is the NGB patrol leader?
Who is Wyatt Lee?
What is Mr. Davis's favorite movie?
What is Star Wars?
What is the third planet from the sun?
What is the Earth?
How many Summer and Winter camps combined has the current SPL been to?
What is 5?
What food did scouts make Austin Scharnell make like?
What are eggs?
How many times has Mark Flynn had a leadership position?
What is 3?
What honor level is Mr. Davis in the OA?
What is the Vigil honor?
What is Photosynthesis?
What is the process used by plants, algae, and some bacteria to convert sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into sugar and oxygen?
How many times was the current SPL patrol leader?
What is 3?
How many terms did Austin Scharnell serve as PL?
What is 2?
What are the names of all of the patrol leaders?
Who is Jack Burden, Wyatt Lee, Jett Eslicker, Mark Flynn, and Carter Thomason?
How many Eagle palms does Mr. Davis have?
How many is 4?
What is 3x+67=10x-70 (round to the nearest tenth)?
What is X=19.6?
How many years has the current SPL played piano?
What is 6?
When did Seth Holmes join the troop?
When is April of 2024?
Which patrol leader had a broken arm?
Who is Carter Thomason?
How many times has Mr. Davis been to summer camp, and where did he staff it?
What is 17, and Camp garland?
Why did I make this the random category?
What is, because I had no other ideas for it?
What is the current SPL's favorite movie?
What is Star Wars the Empire Strikes Back.
How many times has Patrick been SPL?
What is 2?
What is Mark Flynn's favorite band?
What is Linkin Park?
What year did Mr. Davis, and Mr. Prather go to the National Jamboree together?
When is 1985?
What is the fastest plane ever?
What is the NASA X-43?