The Great Outdoors
Troop 16 History
BSA Basics

Clean, Careful, Considerate, and Conservation Minded. 

What is the Outdoor Code?


The youngest campground at Camp Yawgoog.

What is Sandy Beach?


This site has been home to Troop 16 in the summer for over 40 years.

What is Campsite Frontier?


This binding knot can be used to secure a rope around an object, and is the first knot you learn to tie as a Scout. 

What is the Square Knot?


The amount of merit badges you need to earn the rank of Eagle.

What is 21 Merit Badges?


This set of rules describes how minimally Scouts should impact the environment when camping, hiking, or otherwise outdoors. 

What is "Leave No Trace"?


This camp is located on Boy Scout Drive and provides us with easy access to the Pawcatuck River. 

What is Camp Quequatuck?


This Troop 16 Eagle Scout Candidate created a flag donation box for flags ready to be retired.

Who is JD?


Square, Diagonal, and Sheer. 

What are lashings?


This position in the Troop is responsible for all of the troop gear. 

What is the Quartermaster?


This set of rules sets standards for using watercraft and vehicles, such as kayaks, mountain bikes, and ATVs, on Scout outtings. 

What is "TREAD Lightly"?


This camp is the only site we stay in that is completely in Connecticut, and has access to a trail system that leads to Barn Island. 

What is Camp Kitchtau?


Troop 16 played this sport on Family Night at Camp Yawgoog for decades before switching to kickball.

What is Softball?


This practice is utilized to align North on a map to North in the terrain so that the topography correlates to the real-world in front of you. 

What is Orienting a Map?


This knot is also known as the "Rescue Knot".

What is the Bowline?


This plant, the Connecticut State Flower, can prove to be toxic if burned in a campfire.

What is Mountain Laurel?


This camp is home to the Knowles Shelter, the Sisson Shelter, and the Mowry Tavern. 

What is Camp Aquapaug?


Troop 16 used these types of canvas tents until they were retired from use in 1995. 

What are A-Frame Tents?


These sticks and branches are no longer referred to as much what they are part of a lashing camp gadget.

What are staves?


The amount of Eagle Required Merit Badges are needed to earn the rank of Eagle.

What is 13 Required Eagle Badges?


This container is used to store food items that might be tempting in the wild, and hung from a high branch in a nearby tree.

What is a Bear Bag?


This area at Camp Yawgoog was once connected to the mainland by a footbridge. 

What is Philip's Island? 


"Dude Night", the Friday Night BBQ in camp where Dads and former Troop 16 Scouts came to visit and eat at Yawgoog, was started as a trick by scouts to avoid eating what Friday-Night Sharpe Lodge meal?

What is meatloaf?


This compass point is located at 225 Degrees.

What is South Southwest?


This method is utilized to provide structure and hierarchy within the troop, and is where most scouts perform tasks and obtain objectives. 

What is the Patrol Method?