You get an email with a word Document from someone you don't know do you open it.
No, it might be full of Malware or viruses.
If someone seems to good too be true than it probably is.
You receive a mean comment from someone you don't know, what should you do?
Block the user and don't reply to the comment.
I received an e-mail saying I won $1,000,000,00! All I have to do is click a link and provide my personal information, what should I do?
not open a e-mail from a stranger. Never provide personal information over the internet to strangers.
Someone online is asking for my personal info, I will give them my personal info.
You see your bully made a mean video about you What should you do.
report the bully and tell an adult.
My friend told me about a really cool online game and told me to go to a certain website to download the game. As I click the link to download the game, I received a warning from my antivirus software saying the program could be a cause harm to my computer. What should I do?
Don't download the game. Some links can cause harm to your computers.
It okay to post photos online of a person without their permission?
What is netiquette.
being kind on the internet.