Roles & Responsibilities
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Adult Leader Roles

This role gathers pictures and facts about the past activities of the troop, and takes care of troop trophies and keepsakes

What is: Historian


This role plans and leads patrol meetings and activities

What is: Patrol Leader


This role records attendance of all Troop Members and also their advancements

What is: Scribe


This role helps the Scoutmaster oversee operations of the Troop

What is: Assistant Scoutmaster


This role presides at all troop meetings, events, and activities

What is: Senior Patrol Leader


This role keeps equipment in good repair and keeps records of patrol and troop equipment

What is: Quartermaster


This role helps the Patrol Leader keep other patrol members informed and leads in their absence

What is: Assistant Patrol Leader


This role supervises the Scoutmaster and Troop Committee members, and facilitates the monthly meeting of the Troop Committee

What is: Committee Chair


This role works with the Scribe to manage the Troop's electronic communication tools

What is: Webmaster


This role keeps records on literature owned by the Troop

What is: Librarian


This role serves as the activities assistant at Den Meetings

What is: Den Chief


This role uses the methods of Scouting to achieve the aims of Scouting, and works with other responsible adults to bring Scouting to boys

What is: Scoutmaster


This role helps introduce new Scouts to Troop Operations

What is: Troop Guide


This role serves as a communication link between the Lodge and the Troop, and encourages older scouts to participate in high adventure programs

What is: Order of the Arrow Troop Representative


This role is responsible for training and giving direct leadership to appointed Scout leaders such as: Historian, Scribe, Librarian, Instructor, and Quartermaster

What is: Assistant Patrol Leader


This role serves as a resource to the troop supporting youth and adult leaders in delivering a quality program, and handling unit administration

What is: Committee Member


This role has a thorough understanding of, and commitment to, the Leave No Trace principles and Tread Lightly! guidelines

What is: Outdoor Ethics Guide


This role encourages saying grace at meals while camping or activities

What is: Chaplain's Aide


This role functions as an Assistant Scoutmaster (except for leadership reserved for adults 18 and 21 years of age or older)

What is: Junior Assistant Scoutmaster


This role serves as the liason between the Troop and the chartered organization

What is: Chartered Organization Representative