First aid
B.S.A History
Water Related
Where is the best area to pitch a tent? (According to the book). a. Flat ground b. Established ground. c. In a low laying area. d. Flat ground with soft grass.
b. Established ground. leave no trace.
Where is the troop first aid kit? a. The troop trailer. b. The troop box. c. The troop pool. d. The troop SPL has it.
a. The troop trailer
Name the ten essentials?
1. Pocketknife 2. First-aid kit 3. Extra clothing 4. Rain gear 5. Water bottle 6. Flashlight 7. Trail food 8. Matches and fire starters 9. Sun block 10. Map and compass
When was scouting started and who started? a. Robert Baden-Powell in 1908. b. James Kidd in 1912. c. Baden Robert-Powell in 1908. d. James we-da bus in 2001.
a. Robert Baden-Powell in 1908
How should you enter water that is too dirty to see the bottem? a. Jump head first. b. Just slide in. c. Jump in feet first. d. Slide in feet first.
d. Slide in feet first
What should not be in your tent at night? a. Flashlight b. Food c. A cool looking stick you found. d. toiletries.
b. Food. (Food is the worse thing to be in your tent.)
What is step 4 of the first aid method? a. Call for help. b. Provide urgent treatment. c. Make a thorough examination. d. Protect from further injury.
b. Provide urgent treatment.
What does S.T.O.P. stand for?
Stay calm, Think, Observe, Plan
What president was not an eagle scout? a. William Howard Taft. b. John F Kennedy. c. Richard Nixon. d. George W. Bush.
D. George W Bush
When trying to do the survival float, you should? a. Keep your head under water. b. Keep it over the water. c. Keep your head side ways. d. Keep your head half way over the water.
a. Keep your head under water
How far away should a tent be from a fire?
10 feet.
Can you be sued if you don't provide CPR and you are CPR certified? Yes No
Yes, Vermont's Good Samaritan law
When is an ideal time to wear wool sock according to the hand book? a. In the summer. b. In rainy cold weather. c. In winter. d. Everyday is a good day to wear wool socks.
b. In rainy cold weather. (Even when wet wool keeps you warm)
Who was the first eagle scout? a. Arthur Rose Eldred b. Gladys Kemp c. Bradley Ward d. That one old guy.
a. Arthur Rose Eldred
When did Seabase open? a.1934 b.1935 c.1937 d.1980
d. 1980.
Before going to bed its important ___________________ to prevent infection. Solve the blank?
Change your socks.
What precent of all heat-related deaths does texas account for? a. 13% b.38% c.40% d. 54%
a. 40% (Texas accounted for approximately 40 percent of all heat-related deaths in the United States.)
How long is America's longest hiking trail? a. 4,600 miles b. 3,745 miles c. 2,457 miles d. 3,744 miles
a. 4, 600 miles
When did Philmont Scout Ranch open? a.1940 b. 1938 c. 1939 d. 2025
b. 1938
What are the four methods for water rescue?
Reach, Throw, Row, and Go
If you get bit in the middle of the night by an unknwn source what should you do?
Exit your tent, get a partner, check where you were biten, if its a venomous bite go get an adult, if not check your tent for the cause.
If you are bit by a venomous snake what is the likelyhood that it was venomous bite? a. 16% b. 25% c. 62% d.50%
d. 50% (Roughly half of all venomous snake bites are "dry." That is, the snake does not inject venom into the victim.)
Who was the first American to summit Mt. Everest an eagle scout? Yes No
Yes, Eagle Scout Jim Whittaker was the first American to summit Mt. Everest
Who is the next chief scouting Executive? a. Gary Butler b. Wayne Brock c. Adam Montoya d. Dwayne Johnson
b. Wayne Brock
What should you always have before you go swiming? a. First aid b. two adults c. B.S.A. life gaurd d. A budy
b. two adults