Troop 317's Scoutmaster
Kevin Downs
Where Troop Meetings are held weekly
Visalia Methodist Church
This knot is used to secure a rope or line around an object. When teaching it you often hear the words "right over left, left over right
Square Knot
First Item in Scout Law
What's the age limit to which one can be a scout
18 Years of Age
Troop 317's Senior Patrol Leader
Cooper McAlister
Where Camp Chawanakee is located
Shaver Lake
This Knot is used to start and end a lashing
Clove Hitch
"A Scout Is..."
How the Scout Oath starts
"On my Honor, I will do my duty..."
Troop 317's Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Sofia Sevilla
Where were Meetings held during Covid - 19
John Combs Park
This Knot is typically used for hoisting or hauling
2nd Item in Scout Law
Scout Motto
Be Prepared
Troop 317's Charter Organization Rep
Bill McAlister
Where is Lucas Campout held
Lucas' Grandpa's House
This Knot is typically used for uniting two ropes of different sizes
Sheet Bend
3rd Item in Scout Law
Scout Slogan
Do a good turn daily
Troop 317's Founder
Bob Ludekens
Where Troop 317's Scout Cabin is located
This Knot is typically used to secure something to a fixed object, such as a tree
Two Half Hitches
4th Item in Scout Law
How the Outdoor Code Starts
"As an American"