Knots, Tools, Cooking
First Aid
Scout Spirit
Hiking and Navigation
Camping and Nature

Why would you fuse or whip a rope?

When the end is fraying or becoming apart.


How to treat for simple cuts or scrapes?

Wash with soap and water.

Apply band-aid with Neosporin if needed.


Recite the Scout Oath and Law

Scout Oath: On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Law: 

A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.


Name 3 common poisonous plants

Poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, stinging nettle, LOTS more.... as long as Evan can double-check it


Name 2 ways to get potable water in an emergency.

Boil tap water, go to the back of the toilet, get it from a water heater, use tablets, filter. 

More possible answers.


What is the use of a taut-line hitch?

Staking guy lines, non-adjustable loop, used for lines under tension.


First Aid for puncture wounds. (Splinters, pins, etc.)

Use sterilized tweezers to pull out the object. Rinse with soap and water. Cover with a bandage.


What is the outdoor code?

As an American, I will do my best to
Be clean in my outdoor manners
Be careful with fire
Be considerate in the outdoors
Be conservation-minded


List two ways that you can find an upcoming weather forecast.

Go on your phone to the weather app.

Look in the newspaper

Watch the TV news

Go outside and look at the clouds.

More answers...


What should you consider when choosing a campsite?

The location, the ground condition, the size


When should you bring a lightweight stove and when should you bring a propane stove camping.

Lightweight stove: When going backpacking and need more space for other things.

Propane stove: When going camping by driving there so you are able to have easier cooking.


When do you use the Heimlich maneuver?

When someone is choking and cannot breathe or speak. (Use as last resort)


What are merit badges and how are they earned?

Merit badges are individual topics that scouts can earn by learning the topic, then going to a merit badge counselor, and then earning it after the counselor has approved the Scout's work.


What do you do when you get lost?

Stay calm





Say 3 things of Leave No Trace

Plan ahead and prepare. Camp and travel on durable surfaces. Pack it in, pack it out. Leave what you find. Minimize campfire use. Respect wildlife. Respect others.


What hitch is used to start most lashings?

Clove hitch


How do you treat a 2nd degree burn?

Rinse with cool water.

Do NOT pop splinters.

Cover loosely with bandage.


Who founded Scouts?

Lord Baden Powell


What is declination and how do you apply it.

In a compass, the needle points to magnetic north instead of true north. This may cause the compass to be off by a few degrees. Because of this, we need to adjust the compass by a few degrees whenever we are using it.


What are 3 animals close by?

Answers will vary. Examples are pigeon, turtles, and racoons.


When should you use lashings?

When you want to tie two sticks together to make a tool.


List ALL the points for shock.

Eliminate the cause by restoring breathing and heartbeat, controlling bleeding, relieving severe pain and treating wounds. Make sure the airway stays open for breathing. Have the injured person lie down in comfort position. Raise their feet to move blood from legs to vital organs. Keep them warm. Get emergency medical care.


When was scouting founded?

Feb 8, 1910


How do you find direction first thing in the morning?

The sun rises in the East.


How do we check that the campfire is "cold out."

If you put your hand on any part of the campfire, it should be cold.