Merit Badges 101
Eagle Required Merit Badges
Non-Eagle Required Merit Badges
Keeping Things Moving Forward

This colored card is needed to give to the Merit Badge Counselor.

What is a blue card.


This Eagle required merit badge involves planning 17 different meals.

What is the cooking merit badge


Using binoculars or a telescope is a requirement for this Merit Badge.

What is Astronomy.


This week-long activity in July includes opportunities to complete Merit Badges.

What is Summer Camp


What is something you do not wear, but is part of the Scout uniform?

What is the Scout Handbook.


What should you make sure you do before you start working on a badge?

Ask the Scoutmaster to get the blue card.

What merit badge requires community service hours?
What is citizenship in the community

A scout once tried to build his own nuclear reactor after working on this Merit Badge.

What is Nuclear Science.


The adult leader who helps the Scout work on his Merit Badge has this title.

Who is a Merit Badge Counselor.


How many requirements should scouts "shoot" for getting signed off at each Troop Meeting?

What is a minimum of one requirement, but more are better.


A Merit Badge that a scout has NOT completed is called a ?

What is a PARTIAL merit badge


Being able to describe the symptoms of a heart attack are a requirement of this Eagle required merit badge.

What is First Aid and/or Emergency Preparedness


This Merit Badge involves repairing a leaky water faucet, clearing a clogged drain, repairing a flush toilet, repairing a leaky hose or cleaning or replacing a sprinkler hear.

What is Home Repairs.


The person scouts give their completed (signed) blue card to.

Who is the Advancement Coordinator or, Mr. Pohlman.


What is considered being "active" in the Troop?

What is attending regular meetings and campouts, and communicating when you cannot attend.


A scout can earn Merit Badges at this one-day event usually held in February (but also offered in May 2022).

What is Merit Badge University --- (MBU)


How many eagle required merit badges must you complete to achieve the rank of Eagle?

What is 13


This Merit Badge requires a special kit and the use of reeds.

What is Basketry


This is the Scout Leader you go to when you want to find a Merit Badge Counselor.

Who is Mr. Urban, the Scoutmaster.


How many Troop Courts of Honor does Troop 37 hold each year?

What is 2.  One in the Fall and one in the Spring.


These merit badge requirements must be completed BEFORE meeting with your Merit Badge Counselor.

What are pre-requisites.


What 3 merit badges do you have a choice to complete for the rank of Eagle?

What is hiking, swimming, cycling


Which Merit Badge makes use of gas regulation, work clamps, cables, filler materials and metal plates.

What is Welding and/or Metalworking.


Who in Troop 37 is a Merit Badge Counselor for Personal Management?

Who is Mrs. Wagner.

What rank did Lord Baden Powell want all boys to achieve?

What is First Class.