What Council is Troop 555 part of?
Heart of Virginia council
What is the first rank in Scouts?
Scout rank
How many merit badges do you need to have to earn eagle
What should you do to treat simple cut & scrapes
Wash the wound with soap & water, apply antibiotic ointment(Neosporin), and cover with an adhesive bandage(Band-aid)
What knot do you use to tie 2 pieces of rope that are different widths together
Sheet bend
In what year did Boy Scouts of America change it’s name to Scouts BSA?
What are the last 2 things you have to do before you advance?
Scout Master Conference and Board of Review
How many merit badges are required to Get Eagle
Name 3 symptoms of Heat Exhaustion
Fatuige,Weakness,Headache,Nausea,Faintness,Sweating,Skin that is cool,pale, and or moist, Rapid pulse.
What is the knot you use at the beginning and end of a lashing
Clove hitch
What year was scouting founded?
What percent of scouts reach Eagle Scout?
Which merit badge is earned the most
First aid
How should you properly treat Hypothermia
Move the person into a building or tent, have them remove and wet clothing and replace with warm dry clothing, and wrap with heat capturing items (Sleeping bags, blankets, etc.)
What knot is used to move logs
Timber hitch
What was the original title for the Boy Scout Handbook?
Scouting for Boys
What does the knot stand for on the first class badge
It reminds us to do a good turn daily
Which merit badge is earned the most that is not required for eagle
Explain the difference between heatstroke & heat exhaustion & which is more severe
Heat exhaustion;A condition causing weakness & fatigue, commonly caused by dehydration or prolonged heat exposure.
Heatstroke; The effect of the body's cooling systems' failure and a person's core body temp rises to life threatening levels (105Fo+)
What knot is used as a rescue knot
Who brought scouting to America?
William Randolph Hearst
What do the stars in the first class badge stand for
Truth and Knowledge
How many merit badges does Scouts BSA offer
Explain the difference between a stroke & heart attack
Heart attack ;Caused by a blockage of the coronary arteries in the heart
Stroke ;Caused by a brain bleed or blockage of blood flow to the brain, not allowing the brain to function properly.
The space enclosed by a loop or bight