Who is the Founder of the Scouts
Robert Baden-Powell
What is the first rank in scouts?
Be prepared is known as what?
The Scout Motto
What color epaulettes do Scouts wear?
Name at least 4 things you should have in your personal first aid kit.
Bandaids, sterile gauze pads, adhesive tape, moleskin, soap, antiseptic, scissors, latex gloves, mouth-barrier device, eye protection, pencil & paper.
What year was scouting founded
February 8, 1910
What three knots must you demonstrate for Tenderfoot
Square knot, two half-hitches and taut line hitch
Why do Scouts Shake hands with the left hand instead of the right
It is the hand nearest your heart
What goes on the Left Pocket of the Scout uniform
Rank Insignia
What is the first thing you do when you arrive at a victim
Assess the situation
Who brought scouting to America
William D. Boyce
At what rank must you start earning Merit Badges?
What is the sixth point of the Scout law?
How do scouts display merit badges?
Merit badge sash
What are Hurry Cases?
Hurry cases are conditions that threaten a victim's life: - stopped breathing - no heartbeat - severe breathing - internal poisoning
What was the original title for the Boy Scout Handbook?
Scouting for Boys
What is the first rank that requires a fitness test
The three fingers of the Scout Sign stand for what three parts of the Scout Oath
Duty to God and country
Duty to others
Duty to self
What is the alternate Scout uniform called?
Class B or Activity Uniform
What first aid do you apply for NON-POINSONOUS snake bites?
Scrup with soap and water. Apply antiseptic. Non-venomous snakes bites only cause minor puncture wounds.
What year was Troop 60 founded?
What is the minimum number of merit badges for Eagle Scout?
Part of the first class scout badge has two stars. What do the two stars stand for
Truth and Knowledge
Can scouts wear vintage Uniforms
Yes as long as they are official and they cannot mix and match uniform components
What are the 5 common signs of heart attack?
1.Tightness in the Chest
2. Unusual Sweating
3. Nausea
4. Shortness of breath
5. Weakness