The Lot

How long has Troop 63 been selling Christmas trees?

Answer:  first Sales were in 1963 so current year-1963.  2023 answer:  60 years


What type of trees do we sell?

Balsa Fur


What badge can you earn while working at the tree sales?

You can complete some of the requirements for Salesmanship Merit Badge.


What material do we use to hold up the Christmas trees?

Rebar racks


Where can you find your shift calendar?

Google Sheet - 2023 Troop 63 Tree sales Schedule


We will have a new tree baler this year to make trees that encases trees in netting to make them smaller.  When should we use the baler?

A. For all trees we sell

B. When customers are taking trees with them

C. Whenever we feel like it

B. When customers are taking trees with them


Who is our Tree Sales Lead Parent?

Gregg Theiss. He runs this. He prices the trees. 


How many wreaths is each scout required to sell?

Each scout is required to sell 8 wreaths.  IF the family has 2 or more scouts in the troop, they are only required to sell 10.


What do you do if you get a tip?

Mark it on a sales slip and put it in the cash box


Why do we use rebar to hold up the trees?

  • is easier to set up and take down compared to wood structures.
  • Is easier to store than wood.
  • Last longer than wood
  • Was donated by a former troop leader.

How many shift do you have to do at minimum to get the troop dues/summer camp benefit?



What days do we offer delivery?

A. All day, every day, 24/7.

B. Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday.

C, When we feel like it.

B. Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday.


How many Wreaths are we trying to sell?



Why do we sell Balsa Fur trees and not another type?

The Balsa Furr is a tree with softer needles than others and is known for keeping the needles longer after being cut down.


What does the money we collect from each person’s 8 wreaths go for?

The profit from the 8 wreaths is used to offset the price for each scout’s recharter with the troop.


Where is all the rebar stored when not being used?

The rebar is stored behind and under the cabin and Camp Whiting.


When do we start?

FRIDAY 9am - 24th?


 Which adults should drive delivery van?

A. Whoever holds highest score in Mario Carts.

B. Whoever wins Rock, Paper, Scissors.

C. Any adults that are comfortable with driving it, and can do so safely.

C. Any adults that are comfortable with driving it, and can do so safely.

How many Trees are we trying to sell?



What should you do if you sell an item other than a tree?

You should remove the tag and place it in the same bucket as the tree tag so we can keep track of the daily sales.  For wreath you only need the bottom portion of the price tag.


What happens if a scout sells more than their 8 required wreaths?

any profit from the wreath is put into the individuals account and they can use that money to pay for a trip or to help pay for any items that they may need to purchase to complete their eagle project.


What are some of the things you can do if there are no customers on the lot during your shift?

  • Put bows and hangars on the wreaths.
  • Work on Advancement requirements with other scouts and the adults on shift
  • Work on homework
  • Ensure all the trash and pieces of twine are cleaned up off the lot.
  • Play a game with the other scouts.

Who is responsible for finding a replacement if you are not able to work your shift?

The person that is not able to make it needs to find a replacement to cover.  Some shifts have limited number of scouts and parents working and if you are not able to make it you need to find a replacement and let the leadership know who is coving the shift for you.


Sometimes unexpected things happen during tree sale shifts. People might not show up for shifts, someone might be late arriving to unlock or lock the trailer, we might get a large delivery of trees, or you have a question you just don't know the answer to.

When this happens, you can:

A. Ask more experienced scouts and adults who are working sale that day what to do.
B. Try to contact people involved directly if they are MIA and you have their cell number.
C. Put out message on WhatsApp.
D. Call or text Mr. Theiss at 203-809-9661. 
E, All of the above.

E, All of the above.

What is the profit from the tree sales used for? List at least 3

The profit that we receive is used to pay the following items:

  • balance of the troops recharter
  • New equipment that we may need to purchase.
  • Replace gear that has worn out.
  • Offset the price of or regular camping trips.
  • Help reduce the cost of Camp Sequassen.
  • Help with the upkeep of Camp Whiting (snow removal from the road, mow the grass, repairs to the buildings

How many parts are the tree tags and what should be done with each part when you sell a tree.

3 parts.  Part 1 is attached to the tree and has the price and the preprinted id number you need to leave this portion attached to the tree, so the correct tree is delivered to the customer.  Part 2 is in the middle and has the price and preprinted number when you sell a tree this part is put in the collection can.  Part 3 is the bottom portion and has the price and preprinted tree number.  This part is where you will write the delivery address on and put it in the trailer with the awaiting to be delivered tags.


What would be some good selling points for our wreaths?

  • They are large locally made.
  • They have 3 groups of pinecones that may others do not.
  • They include a nice bow and hanger.
  • The profit helps pay for a scout to go on a camping trip.

How many people are required to do deliveries?

Give all three options.

  • One adult and their scout
  • 2 adults and one scout
  • 2 scouts and 1 adult

True or false You do not have to show up for your tree sales shift if it is snowing.

False:  Unless you receive word from the troop leadership of a lot closure all shifts will be staffed.  IF the weather is so bad that the leadership decides it is not safe to sell/deliver trees they will send a message to the troop canceling the shifts.  There are some people that would rather come purchase their trees during the snow so that they are more in the Christmas spirit.


When adults are writing address down on delivery ticket for trees, what are two additional things for them to check?

A. How far away do they live?  ( 15 minutes is borderline, any more we cannot offer delivery. It simply takes too long, too much gas. You can ask customer how far, and check with google maps if not sure.)

B. Get a cell phone number and write it down on delivery ticket.  This allows us to reach out to customer if there are any issues with deliver

C.  All of the above.

C.  All of the above.


If we only sell 1 type of tree, why are some of them a slightly different color than others

the soil, water, and mineral content of the area where the tree is grown effects the color.  We are getting trees from a couple of different tree farms and therefore they may have slightly different colorations based on these factors.


What should you do if you see a customer on the lot?

  • Introduce yourself and ask if they would like some help finding a tree.
  • If they say they want to look around themselves let them wonder on their own. 
  • Remind them that all trees come with free local delivery.
  • If they ask for help, then find out what size tree they are looking for and direct them to the area where trees of that size are on the racks.
  • Pull out and hold trees for them to look at to see if it is the tree they want.
  • Carry the tree to the cutting area with another scout so an adult can cut it and take the payment.

 If they want to take the tree themselves offer to help tie it to their car.


How should you carry a tree when moving it on the lot?

You should have 2 people carry the tree and move it with the bottom leading the way so that you do not bend the branches the wrong way and break them.


What should you do when you arrive for the opening shift at tree sales?

  • Sign into your shift
  • Plug in the lights so customers can see that we are open.
  • Stand up any trees that may have fallen over.
  • Ensure that the tree tags are out so customers and see the prices.
  • Inventory the lot to see if anything has gone missing since the last group closed.
  • Get items out of the tent and set up the display of the items.
  • Adults get the chainsaw ready and ensure there is oil in it and a fresh battery.
  • Clean any snow off the trees that may have fallen so customers can see them.

What tasks should you complete when closing for the night?

  • Sign out of your shift.
  • Stand up any trees that may have fallen over.
  • Ensure that the tree tags are out so customers and see the prices.
  • Inventory the lot.
  • Put the display items into the tent for safe storage.
  • Adults put the chainsaw away and the battery on charge, so it is fully charged for the next shift.
  • Secure the money box and tree tags for the days sales and give to leaders who is closing the lot.
  • Unplug the lights to show we are closed.
  • Dispose of the trash in the dumpster across the lot from the office trailer.
  • Any other tasks that may help with sales.