Skiing 101
The Details
T9 Knowledge
Cold Weather Camping
Literally Anything

The area of a ski resort that first-time and beginner skiers practice on is commonly referred to as?

The bunny hill/bunny slope


Where are we going this year for our ski trip?

Pico Mountain Ski Resort in Mendon, VT


What campsite does Troop 9 stay in at Yawgoog?



What is the freezing temperature in fahrenheit?

32 degrees


What does PEMDAS stand for?

Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction


To reduce speed on a slope, a skier can resort to what maneuver?

Pizza, french fry, or snow-plow


When and where do we need to be to leave for Vermont?

4:30 PM in the St. Micheals Church parking lot


Which Scouting rank patch is the only one to not have a fleur de lis? (the three-pointed emblem)

Second Class


What is one of the most important rules regarding clothing when in cold weather?

Multiple removable Layers of clothing


Which month of the year has 28 days?

All of them


From beginning to end, describe what you do when entering/riding/exiting a ski lift. 

There are 8 steps in the answer. Get at least 6 to win the points

1 - Get in line

2 - Make your way to the lifting area 

3 - Stop on the marked line

4 - Sit down on the lift when it gets to you

5 - Pull the metal bar down

6 - When directed to, pull up the bar

7 - Put your ski tips up, and prepare to unload

8 - Lean forward, unload, and clear the area


According to the Troop 9 sign-up form, at what age are you considered an adult, and must pay the adult price?

16 & up


As of Mar 9, 2022, how many eagle scouts does Troop 9 have?



What is the material that your clothes shouldn't contain when cold weather camping?



In the 1980 film The Shining, the character of Jack Torrence utters the famous line "Here's Johnny!", which is a reference to what?

The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson


According to REI's website, what is the rule when selecting ski poles?

To fit a pair of ski poles to you, wear shoes or stand in your ski boots. When the poles are touching the ground, your elbows should now be at a 90° angle.


What are the four forms you must fill out in order to attend the Troop 9 2022 Ski Trip?

1 - Activity Sign Up form

2 - Pico Mountain Lesson Form

3 - Group Rental Form

4 - BSA permission slip


Answer all three questions correctly to win the points:

1 - What is the Chrome Dome?

2 - Who are the three recipients of the Chrome Dome?

3 - What did each of them do to get the Chrome Dome?

1 - A ski helmet "awarded" to the scout who was injured on the Ski trip

2 - Alton Jones, Jacob Cannon, Bennett Oakes

3 - Nothing, broken wrist, back injury


What part of your body should be covered to keep in the most heat?

Your head


What year did Ukraine and Russia sign the Belarusian Memorandum?


 The memorandum had Ukraine hand over its nuclear arsenal to Russia in exchange for a promise which Russia would never invade or attack Ukraine


In order to be classed as a black diamond ski slope, at what angle must the slope be?

At least 40 degrees


When were final payments and/or payment plans due for this year's trip?

February 23rd


Troop 9 has been around for over 102 years but has only been active for 98. What historical 4-year period was responsible for the troop's inactivity?

U.S involvement in WWII


How does a person keep their clothes warm overnight when cold weather camping?

Put tomorrows clothes at the bottom of your sleeping bag


How many Pokemon are there as of February 10, 2022?