Old Wives Tales

Most of the world’s coffee is produced in Brazil.

True. Over 30% of the world's coffee is produced in Brazil.


Cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis.



The first person to portray James Bond in a film was Sean Connery.

True. The first person to portray James Bond in a film was Sean Connery, starting with the 1962 film Dr. No.


Snowmelt is the source of most of the world’s drinking water.

False. Most of the world’s drinking water comes from underground aquifers. This water is called groundwater, that is, fresh water beneath the earth’s surface.


Only 10% of the population are left handed.



The world’s largest continent is Antarctica. 

False. The world’s largest continent is Asia at 17,300,000 square miles.


The full moon can cause strange behavior.

True. Most hospitals record a higher amount of accidents and emergencies on a full moon.


Walt Disney has the record for the most Academy Awards.

True. During his career, he won 26 Academy Awards (four of them were honorary) and was nominated 59 times.


Walking up stairs uses more energy than walking on level ground.

True. The human body consumes nearly three times as much energy when walking up stairs as it does when walking on level ground. Stair-climbing is great exercise! 


There is a McDonald's Fast Food Restaurant on every continent in the world.

False. They have twenty-thousand restaurants in 100 different countries on every continent except Antarctica.


The United Kingdom is larger in area than France.

False. The UK is smaller than France.


If you swallow chewing gum it will stay in your stomach for 7 years.

False. Our digestive system gets rid of it pretty fast. 


The original name of The Beatles was the Quarrymen.

True. John Lennon formed a skiffle group with some school friends at Quarry Bank High School known as the Quarrymen in 1957, which was renamed The Beatles in 1960.


Babies have more bones than a grown adult.

True. An adult has 206 bones, but a newborn baby has nearly 300 bones in her body.


Every year, more money is printed for the board game Monopoly than for the US Treasury.

True. Parker Brothers reports that it is rolling in the fictional pink, blue, and yellow dough, printing around $30 billion each year. The U.S. government generally only prints money to replace old, or worn-out bills, which results in the annual printing of roughly $974 million.


Chai tea comes from Russia.

False. Chai comes from India.


Chicken soup can help cure a cold.

 True. Eating a bowl of chicken soup can reduce inflammation in the lungs and in turn improve cold symptoms.


Dolly Parton wrote the songs "Jolene" and "I Will Always Love You" on the same day.

True. During an interview on The Bobby Bones Show in 2018, Dolly Parton revealed that she wrote "Jolene" on the same day that she wrote "I Will Always Love You".


Someone with the blood type AB positive is considered to be a "universal donor".

 False. O negative is the universal donor.


A woman has walked on the Moon.

False. There have been 12 men to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong being the first. NASA has plans for the first woman to walk on the moon in 2024.


The longest river in the world is the Amazon River.

False. Amazon is the largest; the Nile is the longest.


Eating lots of carrots turns the skin orange.

True. Excess of beta-carotene stored under the skin can cause skin discoloration.


Humphrey Bogart was related to Princess Diana.

True. They were 7th cousins. Princess Diana was also related to Audrey Hepburn, Winston Churchill, George Patton, Louisa May Alcott, and George Washington.


Astronomers can look back in time. 

True. Telescopes look back in time when they observe the furthermost images in the universe. This is because the light from those objects may have been emitted millions or even billions of year ago.


In a regular deck of cards, all kings have a mustache.

False. The King of Hearts has no mustache.