Best Practices
Money matters
Product knowledge

This is what we verify when receiving an agent support call 

What is member name, address, and date of birth


An agent can be directed to follow this process when needing a password reset

What is selecting "forgot password" on the log-in page


This party is permitted to mail payments

What is a mortgagee

What does the R in TRUE stand for and what does it mean? 

Reciprocal - It means the company is owned and funded by the insureds


More than 95% of our callers are licensed experts, but we should still review these two items for accuracy on every call 

What is coverage selections and billing method/pay plan


We have these three parties sign an application once we bind the policy 

Who is the member, the appointed agent, and the TRUE employee 


This is a requirement for a customer to finance their premium 

What is automatic payment enrollment 


An agent quotes a policy and Coverage A generates at 1,000,000. The agent, per member request, reduces Coverage A in the quote to 700,000. How will the quoting platform respond? 

The agent can continue the quote but it will refer to Underwriting


 We do this when processing or researching during a call to avoid the caller singing the Jeopardy theme song. 

What is road mapping and/or rapport building


We follow this process when a quote is not generating the premium amounts on the package screen. 

What is emailing Underwriting with the agent's contact information, description of the problem and member info to locate the quote

This is our refund method and timeframe for cancelled policies 

What is paper check to be mailed within 10 days of the cancellation effective date

What sets TRUE apart from other competitors in the state of Florida? 

TRUE has an AM Best Rating


To respect the agent's time, given that time is money for the insurance salesperson, we balance these two behaviors on a call

What is time spent researching/troubleshooting and when we reach out for live support 


This is the process followed when a change is requested on a bound policy

What is completing the "Policy Change Request" template and emailing it to


We provide this many days to receive payment after a non-pay cancellation notice is sent before processing the policy termination

(Bonus: We never use this term to describe the time between the payment due date and processing the cancellation)

What is 15 days

(Bonus: Grace period)


What is the distance to cost that TRUE will offer coverage for? 

Up to 1000 feet. 


We say this when someone trusts us with a metaphorical briefcase filled with $2million cash 

What is "We really appreciate you trusting us with your business" (or other authentic expressions of "thank you")


We follow this process if an agent calls in to advise a Member has requested cancellation 

What is advise that all cancellations must be requested in writing, emailed to or mailed to our document address


Define the surplus contribution and how long it lasts. Include why it is charged. 

What is a 10% fee charged to the member annually, for the first 5 years of the policy life. TRUE is owed by it's members, which requires the 10% contribution for funding operating expenses and claims. 


On what day did agents begin quoting TRUE policies in Unqork? What do we do if a policy or quote was entered prior to this date? 

8/16/2021, we refer them to Orchid.