The New York governor who twice ran unsuccessfully for president as the Republican candidate.
Who is Thomas E. Dewey?
Negotiated dividing line between North and South Korea, which was the focus of much of the fighting in the Korean War.
What is the 38th parallel?
The party organized in 1948 by southern delegates who refused to accept the civil rights plank of the Democratic platform.
What is the Dixiecrat Party?
Name given to the military, political, and ideological barrier established between the Soviet bloc and Western Europe after World War II.
What is the iron curtain?
The program launched in 1948 to foster economic recovery in Western Europe in the postwar period through massive amounts of U.S. financial aid.
What is the Marshall Plan?
Wisconsin senator who began a Communist witch hunt in the 1950s.
Who is Joseph McCarthy?
The city into which tens of thousands of British and American planes flew supplies in response to the Soviet blockade on that city in 1948.
What is Berlin?
The mutual defense alliance formed in 1949 among most West European nations and North America in an effort to contain communism.
What is the National Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?
The sudden increase in birth rate that occurred in the United States after World War II and lasted until roughly 1964.
What is the baby boom?
Anti-Communist foreign policy set forth in 1947, which called for military and economic aid to countries whose political stability was threatened by Communism.
What is the Truman Doctrine?
A State Department official accused of being a Communist spy in 1948.
Who is Alger Hiss?
The British mandate on the Mediterranean after World War I, which was partitioned by the United Nations in 1948 and is the location of much religious conflict today.
What is Palestine?
An international organization created by the Rio Pact, which is composed of most of the nations of the Americas and deals with the mutual concerns of its members.
What is the Organization of American States (OAS)?
Sudden overthrow of a government by a group of people, usually with military support.
What is a coup?
Truman's proposal by which he hoped the Democratic majority would provide expansions of civil rights legislations, health insurance, and education grants.
What is the Fair Deal?
An African American scholar, teacher, and diplomat, who negotiated a settlement ending the Arab-Israeli War and received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1950 for his efforts.
Who is Ralph Bunche?
The nation under the nationalist government of Jiang Jieshi, who fought the Communists for control of the nation in the 1940s but was forced to retreat to Taiwan in 1949.
What is China?
The executive agency established in 1947 to coordinate the strategic policies and defense of the United States, which is composed of the president, the vice president, and four cabinet members.
What is the National Security Council (NSC)?
The deliberate giving of false testimony under oath.
What is perjury?
An act that was passed, despite Truman's veto, in 1952, which unified existing immigration laws by reaffirming the national quota, limiting Asian immigration, establishing a preference for skilled laborers, and strengthening enforcement procedures.
What is the Immigration and Nationality Act?
The commander of the United Nations forces who led the American initiatives in South Korea during the Korean War yet was not elected president when many feared that his aggressive policies would result in World War III.
Who is General Douglas MacArthur?
A French colony in Southeast Asia, including present-day Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, which began fighting for its independence in the mid-twentieth century.
What is Indochina?
The congressional committee, created in 1938, that investigated suspected Communists during the McCarthy era and that Richard Nixon used to advance his career.
What is the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)?
Measures that a state takes to discourage attacks by other states, often including a military buildup.
What is deterrence?
The law passed by Congress in 1950 requiring Communists to register with the U.S. attorney general and making it a crime to conspire to establish a totalitarian government in the United States.
What is the McCarren Internal Security Act?