Name the muscle highlighted
Latissimus dorsi
Serratus posterior
Pectoralis major
Rectus abdominis
Origin - Infraspinous fossa of the scapula
Insertion - Greater tubercle of the humerus
Action - Lateral rotation of humerus
Name the highlighted muscle
Teres major and Teres minor
Pectoralis minor
Internal oblique
Origin - Posterior surface of scapula at inferior angle
Insertion - Crest of lesser tubercle on anterior humerus
Action - Extends, adducts, medially rotates arm
Teres major
Name the highlighted muscle
Rhomboid major and Rhomboid minor
Serratus anterior
Psoas major and Psoas minor
Origin - Supraspinous fossa
Insertion - Humerus (greater tubercle)
Action - Stabilizes arm, assists in abduction of the arm
Origin - Spinous processes of T6-L5 vertebrae, Sacrum, and lliac crest
Insertion - Interubercular groove and medial aspect of humerus
Action - Adduction, medial rotation and extension of humerus
Origin, insertion, and action of Latissimus dorsi
External intercostals
Origin - Pubis crest and pubic symphysis
Insertion - Xiphoid process and cartilage of inferior ribs 5-7
Action - Flexes trunk, and compresses abdomen
Rectus abdominis
Origin - Lateral clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula
Insertion - Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Action - Anterior fibers: flexion and medial rotation of arm
Middle fibers: abducts arm
Posterior fibers: Extension and lateral rotation of arm
Origin, insertion, and action of Deltoid
Erector Spinae
Internal intercostals
External oblique
Origin - Lateral surface of ribs 1-8
Insertion - Vertebral border of anterior scapula
Action - Pulls the scapula anteriorly and rotates it laterally
Serratus anterior
Origin - Occipital bone, spinous processed of C7-T12 vertebrae, the nuchal ligament
Insertion - Acromion and spine of scapula, lateral clavicle
Action - Superior fibers: elevated and superiorly rotate the scapula
Middle fibers: pull the scapula medial - adduct scapula
Inferior fibers - Depress the scapula
Origin, insertion, and action of Trapezius
Subscapularis and Supraspinatus
Origin - Lateran surface of ribs 1-8
Insertion - Vertebral border of anterior scapula
Action - Pulls the scapula anteriorly and rotates it laterally
Origin, insertion, and action of Serratus interior
Transverse (transversus) abdominis
Origin - Subscapular fossa
Insertion - Lesser tubercle of humerus
Action - Medially rotates arm