Bible Versus
Who is it??
Finish the sentence
The bible says what??
what does Colossians 3:17 say??
What is ..17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
who raised from the dead after 3 days??
Who is Jesus!!
I can do _______________?
What is ....all things in Christ who strengthens me Phillipians 4:13
what does the bible say about fear?
What is psalms 46:1-2
Who was the person that climbed up the sycamore tree? for what purpose??
Who is Zacchaeus?
what does Ephesians 6:18 say?
What is.....18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
who was the person a donkey talked to??
What is Balaam
For God so loved the world____________?
What is.... he gave his only son for those who believed in him doesnt perish but have eternal life
what does the bible say about prayer?
What is ... to pray continually ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17)
what does john 3:16 say from memory??
What is ....16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life
what does Psalms 19:1-2 say??
What is .....1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.
Who was the man that God let the devil take everything away from him, BUT his life??
Who is Job?
Do not be______ ______ or _______ because of them, the lord your God ____ _____ _____ you ; he will never _____ ______ nor _____ _____. Deutoronomy 31:6
What is...look it up!!
what does the bible say about your enemies?
What is.... your fight is not against flesh but spiritual forces, so love them as you love yourself and pray for them
how many books are they in the bible?
What is 66 books
where can you find the verse about the fruits of the spirit?
What is Galatians 5:22
who, in the bible, was known as the only person in the bible who was taken to heaven alive?
Who is Elijah?
Let us fix ____ _____ on ____, the _____ _____ _____ of our faith. Hebrews 12:2
What is read it!
what does the bible say about your neighbor?
What is love them and not envy them
who said " its better to use a sword than a gun?" and " ... when Jesus was tempted by the devil and Satan told him to Jump off the bridge?"
What is la loca de Ana!
where in the bible does it talk about not worrying about tomorrow's food or shelter? (hint: refers back to birds)
What is Luke 12: 22 ,24
who is known for seeking God's heart?
Who is David?
Devote yourself in _____, being watchful and ______. Colossians 4:2
What is read!!!
What does the bible say about obstacles?
What is ...that we can do all things in Christ (Phillipians 4:13)
What were the name of the twin that was pulled down in the womb by his brother?...what was the name of the other twin?
Who is Jacob, and Esau