What does reliable mean?
Do what you say you are going to do; people can count on you.
Your teacher has miscalculated your test score giving you are higher grade than you deserved . What do you do?
personal answer...
Tell me about a time when you showed trustworthiness towards your friends
personal answer
What should you do if you make a mess in the hallway?
Clean it up.
What does Honesty mean?
telling the truth!
The teacher is in the hall and you need a pencil. There are pencils in the teachers desk drawer. What do you do?
wait to ask the teacher or ask a peer.
How can you show someone you are trustworthy?
personal answer..
What are the hallway expectations?
Level 2 voice, walk, get from point A to point B.
What does Integrity mean?
Doing the right thing even when no one is looking.
You work on a group project and the group ends up finishing the project without you. You have the chance to turn it into the science fair as your own project. Should you take all the credit?
All of your friends think it is funny to call a classmate by a horrible name that your peer hates. Do you:
a) tell your peer ' its just a joke!' and call your peer by that name too to make your friends laugh.
b)tell your friends that you feel it is mean to use put-downs and it is against your schools values and you know it hurts their feelings.
What is the character trait of the month for February?
What does Promise-keeping keeping mean?
keeping your word and being dependable
You have found someone's tablet/phone on the floor of the bus...what would you do?
Give it to the bus driver
personal answer
What is the definition of leadership?
the action of leading a group of people or an organization.
What does Loyalty mean?
standing by , sticking up for and protecting family , friends, and country; being a good friend and looking out for those who care about you.
Your parent put in their credit card information into your XBOX so you could buy a game. They have forgotten to take it out. You know that you are not allowed to buy games whenever you feel like it....
What would you do?
personal answer...
D A I L Y D O U B L E!!! This question is worth 1000 points. Can you remember the 4 major qualities of trustworthiness?
Promise Keeping
State one part of the definition of citizenship from the announcements.
Do your share to make your school and community better • Cooperate • Get involved in community affairs • Stay informed; vote • Be a good neighbor • Obey laws and rules • Respect authority • Protect the environment • Volunteer