Writing Techniques

What literary device does the author use that is a central tying thread throughout the poem?

Repetition: “To praise the mutilated world.”.


What is the overall tone of the story?

Melancholic about the suffering of the world yet appreciative of the beauty that remains or is birthed.


How might this poem relate to real-life events such as war?

This poem stresses the importance of finding beauty even during turbulent times such as war, where this attitude may be needed.


What does the phrase “While salty oblivion awaited others” seem to convey about life?

Represents the end of a journey where some ships (people) survive and endure, while others sink into salty oblivion (death or loss).


What does Homestead mean?

A house, especially a farmhouse.


Why does the author repeat the phrase “Praise the Mutilated World”?

To convey and emphasize the meaning of the poem; to find joy even during hard times.


Why does the author start the poem by reminiscing about better times?

To provide contrast and to further develop the theme of finding joy during hardship


What view on life does the author advocate for in this poem?

To accept and find beauty in the world despite its flaws.


What does the phrase “gentle light that vanishes and returns.” represent?

It represents that hope or life comes and goes.


What does Eddies mean?

Something moving in a circular way.


Why does the author consistently use vivid antithetical phrases or words?

To create inciting contrast and further the themes of finding beauty in an otherwise scarred world.


Who is the author addressing in the poem?

The author is addressing the reader, asking them to find beauty in an otherwise ugly world.


List a real-world event in which this poem may find use or apply to.

Losing a loved one, poverty, global conflicts, etc.


What does “and the gray feather that the thrush lost” symbolize?

It symbolizes loss and how easily life can change. A momentary bit of beauty in loss.


What does Praise mean?

To express warm approval or admiration of.


Why does the poet choose to end the poem with “And returns”?

This completes the cycle of the poem and represents the broader cycle of life where, despite hardship, hope or life will return.


What theme does the author convey when he says, “You should praise the mutilated world?”

He is trying to say to find gratitude within hardships.


How can this poem change the way we see suffering or grief?

The poem can show us that despite the pain, there is beauty coupled alongside it, providing resilience or growth.


What does the phrase “abandoned homesteads of exiles.” represent?

It gives a feeling of insecurity in life and upheaval. Represents loss in life where people are forced to leave their homes.


What does Methodically mean?

In an orderly or systematic manner.


What do the yachts and ships the poet refers to represent?

They are an allusion to life and compare a ship's journeys to a person's, symbolizing how life carries on amid hardship.


What does the “gentle light” represent in this poem?

It represents life and beauty, as well as its transient but persistent nature


What is the ultimate meaning the author is trying to convey, and how can it apply to daily life?

To find beauty despite hardship. Appreciate the small joys in life, holding onto hope despite current struggles.


What does the phrase “methodically overgrowing” convey about life?

It conveys that life and nature will eventually renew themselves despite destruction and suffering.  


What does Mutilated mean?

To inflict serious harm or damage