Do you think we ... take a gift for the hostess?
I think it ... be cooler and less busy later in the year.
may / might / could
She was so disappointed. She ... (worry) about something.
may / might / could have been worried
Rewrite the sentence, using modal verbs.
I'd recommend buying a phrase book.
You should buy a phrase book.
You're ... take off your shoes, but it doesn't matter if you forget.
supposed to
I'm sure you'll ... change that shirt if it doesn't fit.
be able to
He ... (leave) early. He ... (stay).
shouldn't have left ; should have / ought to have stayed.
Rewrite the sentence, using modal verbs.
He'll have no problem making friends, in my opinion.
He' shouldn't have any problem making friends (in my opinion).
Guests ... check out till midday.
don't have to / don't need to / needn't
Let’s stop by their house on the way home. They ... be home by the time we get there.
should / ought to
They ... (see) Max - he's away on holiday.
can't / couldn't have seen
The cafe isn't open yet. You've come so early!
You needn't have got / come here so early.
The sightseeing section in the book is really long, so there ... be a lot to see. The problem is, we ... possibly visit all of them in three days.
must / can't
I am not sure yet, but we ... have another holiday in the autumn, so we might ... go back.
may / might / could ; be able to
We had a full tank of metro;, so we ... (stop) to get any.
didn't need to stop
I was starving! I think, it would have been better, if you had offered me a biscuit!!!! (exclamation about behavior)
You might / could have offered me a biscuit!
It doesn't matter if you don't speak French. So, you ... do it! You ... use English instead.
don't need to / needn't ; may / might / could
The temperature is dropping. It ... snow during the night. If so, he ... possibly wear light clothes.
may / might / could ; can't
She left an hour ago, so she ... (reach) the airport by now. She ... take the tickets with her.
should have reached / was supposed to
She left the party two hours ago, so I expect her to have been at home by now. I expect her to have taken a taxi.
She left the party two hours ago, so should have been at home by now. She was supposed to take a taxi. (should have taken is also possible)