The Vice-President of TSA
What is Newham Cherryit
The Director of Tenet
What is Christopher Nolan
What building has the most stories?
What is The library
Who are you?
What is Me.
The hard red winter type of this grain is planted in autumn and late spring
Whole Bread
THS TSA Chapter advisors
Whats is Hicks, High, Williams
The acronym “WYLABOCTGWTR” stands for
What is “would you like a bowl of cream to go with that remark?”
Your running and you start eating when you trip and fall on an armadillo in the city when a foreign exchange student asks you where to get to Mandarin China. You tell him left but then you realize you're hungry and in the middle of nowhere.
I like my Ti-84 Calculator
What is I like my Ti-84 Calculator
What is shakespear?
The Steve Price
What is President of the excutive board
What day is Star Wars Day?
What is May the 4th?
What can you catch, but not throw?
What is Cold? or What is feelings:(?
The only emotion I feel
What is Pain.
How do you spell bababooey.
What is B-A-B-A-B-O-O-E-Y?
Our chapter parliamentarian
What is Brooke Slone?
List these celebrities in order from most talented to least; Kanye, Ben Affleck, Cardi B, and Maggie Smith
What is Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
What has a bottom at the top?
What is the top of the bottom?
Sometimes I wander the forest, looking for a bunny with a carrot in hand. I wish to take the carrot and cut it into little baby carrots. Then I want to give one to a bunny and one to me. The other baby carrots will be planted to grow new carrot trees. Then when I and the bunny grow old we can eat the carrots from the carrot tree.
What is understanding?
ما معنى الحياة عندما يكون للحياة معنى والشلالات مثل الكعكة والزبدة سخيفة غبية معنى كعكة العار الحب قنبلة الحب تنزل عن ظهري البريد والزبدة سخيفة غبية معنى كعكة العار الحب قنبلة الحب تنزل عن ظهري
Cameron Frye
Tech day submission deadline
What is October 12?
Who is "Queen".
What is that even a question Niki Minaje obviously do I even have to say this.
If you’re running in a race and you pass the person in second place, what place are you in?
What is 1st place?
Who can you depend.
What is Your THS TSA Chapter Officers :)
Samsung Vs. Apple
What is Samsung (No, this is correct, don't doubt me. if you said apple, your wrong. Period poo.)