DoDo Man

How many subscribers does their YouTube channel have?

1. 99.7k

2. 94.5k

3. 96.3 k

4. 92.8k

3. 96.3 k


What service is NOT provided in Haidilao Hot Pot

1. Dance 科目三

2. Movie 

3. hand-pulled noodles performance

4. Free manicures

2. Movie


What tradition do UC Berkeley students participate in during finals week for good luck?

1. Running through Sather Gate

2. Touching the 4.0 Ball

3. Kissing the Bear Statue

4. Screaming at midnight

4. Screaming at midnight


What does TSA stand for? 

1. Taiwanese Semiconductor Alliance 

2. Taipei Symphony Academy 

3. Taiwanese Student Association 

4. Theta Sigma Alpha 

3. Taiwanese Student Association 


What is the DoDo man’s motto 

1. 一起跳脫舒適圈!

2. Always exploring

3. 超派!

4. 勇敢踏出舒適圈

1. 一起跳脫舒適圈!


What is the least favorite hot pot ingredients?

1. Egg dumplings

2. Pumpkin

3. Taro

4. crab sticks

3. Taro


The campus is home to a famous set of steps that offer a panoramic view of the San Francisco Bay. What is the name of these steps?

1. Sather Steps

2. Memorial Steps

3. Big C Steps

4. Founders' Steps

3. Big C Steps


Which of the following is NOT a TSA event:

1. Social event 

2. Intern event 

3. Movie night 

4. Banquet

3. Movie night 


Before becoming a YouTuber, what did Eric do?

1. 精算師 actuary

2. 軟體工程師 Software Engineer

3. 商業分析師Business Analyst

4.  會計師 Accountant

1. 精算師 actuary


What is the most popular meat for hotpot?

1. Beef 

2. Pork 

3. Seafood

4. Lamb

1. Beef


UC Berkeley's Doe Library is an essential part of the university's academic life. In what year was Doe Library officially opened to the public?

1. 1910

2. 1911

3. 1917

4. 1928

2. 1911


What is the name of TSA’s new student orientation?

1. New bobas 

2. Reaching out Taiwan 

3. Meet Cal

4. Meet the Bears 

4. Meet the Bears


Why do they name their fans “Dolphins”

1. 「嘟粉」諧音像Dolphins

2. 海豚是團體動物,常常成群結隊

3. 海豚樂於助人,就算是陌生人

4. 海豚需要在大海裡自由探險

All Correct


These small, doughy balls made from fish paste add a bouncy texture to your hotpot. What am I 

1. I am cow 

2. I am fish balls

3. I am egg dumplings

4. I am 新竹貢丸

2. I am fish balls


UC Berkeley is known for a specific Nobel laureate who discovered an element named after the university. Can you name this element and the laureate?

1. Californium, Glenn T. Seaborg

2. Berkelium, Ernest O. Lawrence

3. Lawrencium, Albert Ghiorso

4. Seaborgium, Stanley Thompson

1. Californium, Glenn T. Seaborg


Which statement is true regarding our TSAi system?  

  1. Primarily focused on academic tutoring and offers no social events or community bonding activities.

  2. A bonding system that groups members with officers and other members into TSAi big families to tighten the Taiwanese community on campus 

  3. TSAi restricts membership to Taiwanese students exclusively, not allowing individuals from other backgrounds to join. 

  4. NO spontaneous hangouts 

2. A bonding system that groups members with officers and other members into TSAi big families to tighten the Taiwanese community on campus 


Which movie did they dub for:

1. 元素方城市 Elemental

2. 超級瑪利歐兄弟

The Super Mario Bros. Movie 

3. 灌籃高手 The First Slam Dunk 

4. 蜘蛛人:穿越新宇宙 Spider-Man: Across The Spider Verse

4. 蜘蛛人:穿越新宇宙 Spider-Man: Across The Spider Verse


Which part of Taiwan has the best hotpot (all love nothing personal)

1. Taichung (prob the right ans)

2. Kaohsiung

3. Taipei (prob the wrong ans)

4. Tainan

All Correct


Which of the following UC Berkeley alumni is a co-founder of a major technology company known for its search engine?

1. Steve Wozniak, Apple Inc.

2. Sergey Brin, Google

3. Reed Hastings, Netflix

4. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook

2. Sergey Brin, Google


Which of the following is NOT a TSA sponsor: 

  1. ShareTea 

  2. Focus Optical 

  3. Dumpling Express 

  4. Take Eat Easy 

3. Dumpling Express