Contains more than one single focal point
Abstract Designs
Storage/shipment of flowers out of water
Dry Pack
Firmly wrapping or tying similar materials together to form a larger, individual unit
The process of converting nutrients, water, carbon dioxide and sunlight into food for plants
Sells floral goods and services to the consumer
Retail Florist
An equilateral triangular design
Symmetrical Design
Corsage wiring techniques in which the wire is shaped into a hairpin
Hairpin Method
Japanese style of floral arrangements characterized by their linear forms
Level of light received on a plant surface
Light Intensity
Primary colors
Red, yellow and blue
Has several layers of materials that vary in size and texture to create a flowering effect
Cascade Design
#28 is finer than#16 gauge
#20 and #22 gauge gives the best support to roses, carnations and chrysanthemums
Technique that branches of flowers are used around the perimeter of a floral arrangement to direct attention to the materials in the center of the arrangement
Cell process in which stored food is converted into useful energy fir the plant
Process that cut flowers and and foliages have been tested to extend their freshness
Combination of natural and man made materials in an unnatural manner to create new images
Interpretive Design
Wiring technique used where the wire is inserted through the flower and a small hook is formed in the wire before it is pulled back into the flower
Hook Method
Tight positioning of flower clusters at the base of an arrangement forming rounded hills
Process of plants losing water through stomata in their leaves
Primary or line flowers used in a design to establish the outline of the arrangement
Skeleton Flowers
Asymmetrically balanced design of few materials usually placed in groups that emphasize forms and lines
Formal-Linear Design
Corsage wiring technique where a wire is inserted through the calyx and bent downward along the stem
Piercing Method
Technique characterized by parallel or surface contoured insertions that create a uniform area with little or no variation
Pave Arrangements
Citric acid solution that causes flowers to take up water rapidly to prevent dehydration after flowers are dry packed
Hydration Solution
Floral Preservative