Ads reach audiences in the geographical area around the business address or a specific zipcode. We can target 25-mile radius or less.
Campaign Creation Specialist (GCC Contact Person)
Three common Payment Processing that is integrated with BMP
Mike Wazowski's best friend?
(855) 463-5490
TSI Support Line
The average ads served in a month with Local Targeting
7,000-7,500 Ads Served
Customer Success Lead (post-launch point of contact for campaign optimization/expansion and BMP)
How many users can be added to the BMP for the client?
Unlimited but most business owners have up to 5
Who was the first disney princess?
Snow White
Who is your Client Relation Specialist?
Cary Moser
How many different size banner ads do we serve?
Business Management Platform
Which calendars does the BMP sync up to?
What is included on Disney+
Hulu, ESPN
Bonus Points:
National Geographic
Star Wars
If you want to be looped in on an account update regarding changed/edits/issues what do you do?
Bluprint AE TSI Request Form
Name all 3 Do Not Sell for Local Targeting
Cannabis, Adult Venue and Stores, Guns
Secure Socket Layer
How can we import a client list?
Excel-CSV/XLS, Square or manually
How many Toy Story movies are currently released?
How many billings does TSI need to collect to avoid chargeback?
How much does it cost to add Local Targeting to their TSI package?
Hyper text transfer protocol
Monthly SMS or Email allotment
20,000 email and 1,000 SMS for example if you have 1,000 clients, you can email 20 mass emails and 1 mass text.
What was the last movie that was overseen by Mr. Walt Disney
Jungle Book
How much does an AE get paid for selling a $485 package?