This famous Animated comedy was released in 1989, with 32 seasons this is the largest TV series broadcasted, characters became the most famous family on TV
The Simpsons
Spreading these which aren't true.
What are rumors?
Most popular V-Day gift
What is chocolate?
If you were eating mole poblano, you would most likely be in what country?
What color do we get when mixing yellow and blue?
In what 1976 thriller does Robert De Niro famously say “You talkin’ to me?”
Taxi Driver
Talking behind this body part
What is a back?
Scooby's best friend?
Who is Shaggy?
Who was Frida Kahlo's partner?
Diego Rivera
What letter is 50 in Roman numerals?
Joaquin Phoenix received his first Oscar nomination for playing Roman emperor Commodus in what 2000 Oscar-winning epic?
Having a big one of these and never making up
What is a fight?
What do X and O mean?
What are kisses and hugs?
Who were the two women in "Dos mujeres, un camino"?
Bibi Gaytan and Laura Leon
How many grams are in half a kilo?
500 g
Famous Mexican host of a news program on TV Azteca "Hechos" who hosted such a program for almost 25 years
Javier Alatorre
This could land you in jail. It's another word for taking something that doesn't belong to you.
What is stealing?
What is the symbol of V-Day?
What is the heart?
What day is Star Wars Day?
May 4th
What branch of biology studies animals?
What is the real name of Uma Thurman’s “The Bride” character from Kill Bill?
Beatrix Kiddo
Not _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your friends feelings
What is respecting?
Name five of the friends from the show FRIENDS
Who is Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Phoebe or Monica?
Before he was the frontman for Foo Fighters, Dave Grohl was the dummer for which band?
How many continents begin with the letter A?
Africa, America, Antarctica and Asia.