What is the name of the farmer?
Farmer Mack Nugget
When does this story take place?
The day before Thanksgiving.
Where did the kids hide the turkeys?
Under their shirts
What does downy mean?
Covered with feathers
Questions that start with "Who" ask about a...
person or character
Who went with the children to the farm?
The teacher
Where does this story mostly take place?
On a farm
Why were the kids upset and scared?
Because they didn't want the turkeys to die
What is a drumstick as used in the story?
A turkey leg
Questions that start with "where" ask about...
A place
How many turkeys were there?
Where were the children going in the beginning of the story?
On a field trip
What was Farmer Mack Nugget looking for?
The turkeys
What does embrace mean?
A hug
Questions that start with "when" ask about...
a time
Who wanted to chop the turkeys?
Farmer Mack Nugget
What is another way to say autumn?
Why does the farmer want to chop up the turkeys?
For Thanksgiving feasts
What is a feast?
A big meal
When do good readers ask questions?
before, during, and after reading
What did kids eat for Thanksgiving dinner?
Toast, jelly, and veggies