True or False - there is a page that compares all products in TurboTax Online.
It's under Products & Pricing - Compare all products
True or False
TurboTax has a business software that is available online
TurboTax for business is only available on a CD or as a download.
True or False
I process a refund when the customer asks for it.
The customer can self-serve to get a refund, using
It is listed per year up to 2018
How many TurboTax Online Products are there?
TTO - Basic, Deluxe, Premier, & Self Employed
TTO Live - Basic, Deluxe, Premier & Self Employed
TTO Full Service - Basic, Deluxe, Premier & Self Employed
True or False a customer has a 1120s, they can use TurboTax Home & Business version on their computer.
This situation would warrant using TurboTax Business
See this Help Article - when can I request a service code?
On what page of the Tax Expert Handbook can you find appearance & wardrobe recommendations?
How many years of prior years' products are available on the TurboTax website?
2020, 2019 & 2018
PRO TIP - prior to 2018, suggest Amazon, eBay, etc.
TurboTax Business is available on both Windows and Mac
As of now, it is only available on Windows - version 8.1 or later
Post the link in the chat to the IRS Forms availability for TurboTax.
Ctrl + F
How do you access a previously filed return in TurboTax online without amending?
Click "Add a State"
NOTE: This is not common, and if you do guide a customer through this, be careful not to change anything in the return as it will save it like that as though it were originally filed that way.
A customer can purchase prior year products - True or False?
Under CD/Download products - there is a link to file previous year's products
I can help a customer using TurboTax Business balance their balance sheet and assist with calculations.
Only tech support is included - it shouldn't even be transferred to you - but you are the end of the line!
Post in the chat the super fabulous Backdoor ROTH link Heather mentioned in multiple WIG huddles.
I lost my QoS script!
Where in the Tax Expert handbook can I find it?
What is page 64
I don't have to pay any more than what is offered on the landing page for Premier and Self Employed returns, no matter what my situation is - True or False?
We do charge more for Premier and Self Employed returns that are deemed "Complex"
Only one federal efile is free
State is additional
Post the link in the chat to the state forms availability table.
True or False -
There is no guidance in the Tax Expert handbook on prior year returns
You can find it on page 246
List one difference between Audit Support Guarantee and Audit Defense
Audit Support Guarantee
Audit Defense