Supreme Court Cases
Texas laws

This word derives from the word “life” in Latin, and describes the preborn baby’s ability to survive on its own outside the womb. Is commonly an argument used in discussing abortion. 



This type of abortion is also known as the “at-home”, “toilet bowl” and “self-medicated” abortion, a self-medicated abortion, or a toilet abortion. It involves mifepristone & misoprostol. Women take mifepristone, then followed by misoprostol. It is typically used within ten weeks of pregnancy. Mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone, which unborn babies require in order to continue their life. The woman’s cervix becomes softer and the uterus hardens due to the mifepristone. Following forty-eight hours, misoprostol is taken, which allows the fetus (aka preborn baby) to then fall out of the woman’s body in either clumps, blood, or segregated. These side effects cause severe hemmoraging, incompleted abortions, infections, ectopic pregnancies, and even death! Statiscally, over half of abortions are of these. 

Chemical Abortion


Inspired by Texas woman, Norma McCorvey in 1973, this Supreme Court case ruled that the 14th amendment protected a woman's right to privacy. Norma was denied an abortion because her pregnancy was not considered to be a threat to her health. 

Roe versus Wade


After graduating from college, she worked for eight years as a clinic director at Planned Parenthood in Texas and resigned in 2009. Her story was inspired by the movie Unplanned, which shocked Americans. She works now as a pro-life activist and has exposed secrets of Planned Parenthood……

Abby Johnson. 


Thanks to Mark Lee Dickson, this city in Texas has been a sanctuary city for the unborn. 



A stage of development after an egg is fertilized that is turning into a baby. It is the first stage of human development in the womb (after first conception). 



These two are the names of the surgical abortions. 

Vacuum Aspiration, and Dilation & Evacuation

Argued in 1992, this case was brought upon the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act, which required married women who were seeking abortions without their husbands’ consent, and minors seeking abortion without the permission of their parents. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Roe, yet still upheld some of Pennsylvania’s values. At the conclusion, the supreme court declared/decided that unless the fetus becomes viable, abortion restrictions such as the PA abortion control act are unconstitutional. The Planned Parenthood in southeastern Pennsylvania sued governor Robert Casey (hence Casey being the defendant). 

Planned Parenthood versus Casey


This woman is the original founder (alongside two other women) of Planned Parenthood. She was a firm believer in eugenics especially in minorities, and also advocated for birth control. 

Margaret Sanger


True or False: Although it is LEGAL, abortion medication is still being packaged in the mail for women from other states. 



This is Latin for “offpsring” or “little human being” and is a word used by doctors from 8-10 weeks of pregnancy up until birth. The baby is still able to grow limbs and organs at this developmental stage. 



These are performed up to fourteen and sixteen weeks of pregnancy. She is dilated to fit what is called a cannula, which will go into her uterus. A machine (the vacuum) then is used to go around the uterus where the fetus lives and suck out the baby through a tube. Through the tube, the baby’s remains are placed into a collection jar. The remaining parts are then removed using a curette. 

Suction/Vacuum Aspiration Abortion


Sparked in 2018, the state of Missisippi banned all abortions after fifteen weeks of pregnancies (four months). This was called the “Gestational Age Act”. Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization was the only practicing licensed abortion facility in the state, and a physician at Jackson’s Women’s Health soon filed a lawsuit and wanted a TRO (emergency temporary restraining order). When going through a district court, the district court proceeded to do a discovery and “enjoined Missisippi from enforcing the law” and it was found that there was a lack of evidence (therefore nearly none) that a fetus is viable at fifteen weeks of pregnancy. SCOTUS forbade that states can ban abortions before the baby/fetus becomes “viable”. 

Dobbs versus Jackson Women's Health Organization

  • Quote: “For the first time in my carrer after all those years and all those abortions, I looked.. I really looked at that pile of body parts on the side of the table… And I didn’t see her wonderful right to choose and I didn’t see what a great doctor I was helping her with her problem, and I didn’t even see the $800 cash I just made in 15 minutes. All I could see was somebody’s son or daughter.” This is a doctor who served as a board-certified obstetrician gynecologist for thirty-five years. During his career, he’s performed over 1,200 different abortions in New York, including both first and second trimester abortions. He has testified in 2015 at the U.S House of Representatives the techniques he has used on women and described a real-life situation he encountered with a woman 24 weeks pregnant with a tremendously high blood pressure. She safely delivered her baby via cesearan section, and during his testimony, he argued against the “necessity” of an abortion to save a woman’s life. 

Dr. Anthony Levatino


Signed in 2021 by Governor Greg Abott, this law made abortion illegal in the state of Texas until after a heartbeat is detected. 

(Texas) Heartbeat Bill


This stage only lasts for about four days. Human deoxyribose nucleic acid (aka DNA) is formed between both the mother and father at fertilization.



Between thirteen and twenty-four weeks. Forceps are used by the abortionist to cut apart the fetus, causing tremendous pain to the fetus. 

Second-trimester Dilation and Evacuation Abortion


The state of Minnesota had a statue which regulated minors' access to abortions. After two days of parents being notified their child was seeking an abortion, she was able to have an abortion.

Hodgson versus Minnesota


The original founder of Live Action (est. 2003). She originally was investigating Planned Parenthood, and pretended to be a *very* young teenager having an intimate relationship with an older man. PP offered her an abortion, but did not concede to contact authorities.

Lila Rose


Similar to the heartbeat bill, it completely banned abortions in the state of Texas. 

Trigger Law


This is the water-like liquid that surrounds an unborn child inside of the uterus. During a surgical abortion, this liquid is sucked out. 

Amniotic fluid


Can also be used in the third trimester and is a multi-day procedure. Laminaria us used by the abortionist on the first day, and the second, Digoxin is injected through a needle, causing the fetus’s heart to go into a cardiac arrest. On day two, she is still dilated, but the fetus is still inside of her and dead. During the last two days, she delivers a stillborn baby. 

Heart Attack/Induction Abortion. 

This Supreme Court case claimed that states have the authority to make a value judgement favoring childbirth and to implement that judgement through states funds (1979). 

Maher versus Roe

This is the CEO and president of Planned Parenthood and has been for over fifteen years. She is also considered to be a reproductive rights advocate. She is also the head of PP Action Fund. 

Alexis McGill Johnson


True or false: Abortions are legally allowed for ectopic pregnancies. 

FALSE! Let's explain why...