What does Tu B'Shvat celebrate?
The birthday/new year of the trees/start of Spring and new growth of plants, etc.
What fruit is known to have 613 seeds inside?
Bonus: What is the number 613 symbolic of?
613 = the number of Mitzvot in the Torah
What chemical/gas do trees release?
What animal almost only eats bamboo?
Name two ways humans can help take care of the Earth.
Recycle, compost, plant trees, save water, reduce plastic.
What do people traditionally eat on Tu B'Shvat to celebrate?
Fruit from trees.
What fruit contains tiny edible seeds on the outside instead of the inside like other fruits?
True or false: A coconut is a nut.
What bird is famous for making loud knocking sounds on trees?
What energy source comes from the sun and can power homes?
Solar energy.
Trees grow rings inside their trunks. What do the rings tell us?
How old the tree is. (Each ring = 1 year of growth)
In Israel, which nut tree is known for blossoming first around Tu B'Shvat?
Almond tree.
What animal can camouflage?
What is composting?
Turning food scraps into soil instead of waste in the regular trash.
What does "Tu" stand for in "Tu B'Shvat"?
15. (Tu is made from the Hebrew letters "tet vav" which adds up to 15!)
What fruit takes the longest to ripen?
What rainforest produces more than 20% of the world's oxygen?
The Amazon Rainforest.
What very large animal can climb trees?
What is it called when we cut down too many trees without replacing them?
What kind of tree is the largest in the world?
Hint: it's located in California
What is the only fruit/food that never spoils, even after thousands of years?
Hint: it's sticky.
What is the largest fruit that grows on a tree?
Hint: it has someone's first name in the name.
What tiny insect can carry 50 times its own body weight?
An ant.
How many trees does it take to build an average house?