Is 104 years old, but looks 17.
Jesse Tuck
What is the setting of Tuck Everlasting?
What deal does the Man in the Yellow Suit propose to Winnie's family?
He'll bring the constable to rescue her if they give him the woods.
Who does Jesse Tuck like?
Winnie Foster.
How did Tuck prove he was immortal?
He shot himself.
Rescues the toad from a dog.
Winnie Foster
Where was the spring located in the book?
In the woods
(True or False) Did Winnie's father give the Man in the Yellow Suit the woods?
Who hit the man in the yellow suit in the head with a shotgun?
Mae Tuck.
When would Tuck smile?
Wants to buy the woods from the Foster family.
Man in the Yellow Suit
Where did Winnie and Jesse go in the beginning of the book?
Carries the music box with her everywhere
Mae Tuck
What object did Mae always carry with her?
A music box
Compares family to a rock beside the road.
Angus Tuck
What letter did the Tucks carve into the tree.
What does the Man in the Yellow Suit remind Winnie of?
Black funeral ribbons
Brings Winnie home to her family
How did Mae escape from the jailhouse?
Mae escaped through the window and Winnie hid under the blanket.
Tells Winnie she hears elf music.
How did the Tucks try to hide the spring water?
They covered it with pebbles.
How does the man in the yellow suit find out about the spring?
He is hiding in the woods when the Tucks explain it to Winnie.
His wife took their two children away from him
Miles Tuck
Why do the Tucks and Winnie eat flapjacks for breakfast two days in a row?
Winnie asked Miles to throw the fish they caught back in the pond.