This young Tuck brother was the first to meet Winnie Foster.
Who is Jesse Tuck?
The small village where this story begins.
Where is Treegap?
Person 1: Why'd you have to wake me up? I was having that dream again, the good one where we are all in Heaven and we never heard of Treegap."
Person 2: "It's no use having that dream."
Who are Angus and Mae Tuck?
This thing was described in the beginning of the story and was the first to say the wood needed to be avoided.
What was the road?
"I am Winnie's best friend, her only friend until she meets Jesse Tuck."
Who is the frog?
This character is the only person to see Winnie leave with the Tucks.
Who is the man in the yellow suit?
The story of Tuck Everlasting begins with the prologue where the narrator tells the beginning happens in this season.
What is summer?
Person 1: Out for fireflies are you?
Person 2: Yes
Who are the man in the yellow suit and Winnie?
The mood of the story changes when Winnie runs away. This symbolizes the change is happy.
The description of the wood. It says it is light and happy.
Winnie does this for the very first time when she is captured by the Tucks.
What is horseback riding?
This character begins the story with melancholy but becomes somewhat happier when Winnie becomes a visitor at the cabin.
Who is Angus Tuck
Winnie meets in her yard with this creature she considers to be her only friend.
a toad
Person 1: It sounds like a music box.
Person 2: Nonsense. It's elves!
Who are Winnie and her grandmother?
The touch me not description of the house Winnie lives in is a symbol of this.
What is order in her life?
The man in the yellow suit learns of the Tuck's secret in this way.
What is by hiding in the brush and overhearing them tell it?
The story tells that Winnie is visited at night by this character. Words are exchanged and the story says Winnie was struck dumb and could only stare.
Who is Jesse Tuck?
The location in which the fountain is found.
The wood
Person 1: We all had a drink, except for the cat.
Person 2: Well anyway, the water tasted sort of strange.
Who are Miles Tuck and Jesse Tuck?
The moving of the water on the pond is compared to this.
What is the movement of life from birth to death?
Jesse tells Winnie to wait until she is this age and then drink the water.
What is 16?
This character believes the sounds coming from the wood are from elves.
Who is Grandmother Foster?
The home in which a mouse lives inside a table drawer and some family members sleep in the loft.
What is the Tuck Cabin
Person 1: I want to go home.
Person 2: Of course you do, child. That's only natural.
Who are Winnie and Mae Tuck?
This object is used in the story to symbolize the water cycle as well as the life cycle. It is also used to describe the seasonal calendar.
What is the wheel?
This person is the author of Tuck Everlasting.
Who is Natalie Babbit?