The speed or rate at which you're doing something.
After Francis tells Lottie to dig, Lottie saw a _____
A part of a plan
What is the setting of the story?
The west, Oregon trail
Francis instructed Lottie to dig down into the dirt and the water would ______ into the hole
Very easy to see; Obvious
What do the three children have in common?
They have all lost their family
Why did the Comancheros Indians want to steal the children?
They could sell the children for money into slavery
As Lottie explained every detail, Francis picked up the _____ so the Comancheros would not find them
Too short; not properly developed
How did Lottie annoy Francis?
She talked too much.
Walked without lifting your feet, letting them drag
What did Francis do when Billy could not walk any longer?
He carried him on the trail
Mile after mile, the children ______ ahead to reach the line of trees
The thing that saves a person
When the children reached the trees, what did they find and what is the weather condition?
They find water and a storm is coming.
Something that has no chance of success
What do Francis and the children do after the bolt of lightning hits close to them?
They take cover under a ledge
At first the thunderhead cloud did not look like their _______, but as it grew Francis knew it would bring rain
Optical illusion, things that look real but aren't really there
What happens after the storm that helps the children?
The storm stops, the sun comes out and their tracks are swept away
Something that is not questioned; beyond doubt or debate
Why were the kids excited to find trees?
Trees mean there could be water that they needed
When Lottie saw trees up ahead Francis didn't want to believe her because they had already seen so many ________