Having these items on the ground means soldiers have been deployed to a hostile environment
A rope trap
In economics the demand curve plots a product's price vs. demand for it; this curve plots price vs. available quantity
The Supply
There's an amphibian in this 8-letter verb that means to jump over
A synonym for slothful or idle (16 pts)
Getting in trouble is called catching this type of anti-aircraft gun
In astronomy a light curve graphs changes in magnitude of one of these especially the variable type
A Star
This adjective means of or pertaining to the sense of smell
Similar to a vixen or attractive (17 pts)
Referring to a clock position, if a soldier says he's got your this number he's watching your back
six (6)
First this for any instrument is coveted in an orchestra
Used in global warming studies the Keeling curve charts the buildup of this gas in earth's atmosphere
Carbon Dioxide
These 2 adjectives are antonyms of each other & are derived from 2 of the divisions in taxonomy
General & Specific
Its a joke, especially a witty or timely one (15 pts)
Meaning a choice to use atomic weapons, it was applied by Trent Lott to a drastic change in Senate rules
This contraction precedes -do-well in a term for a shady person
The Phillips curve shows that wages tend to increase faster as the rate of this goes down
This synonym for chasm comes from the Greek for bottomless
An act of deception (14 pts)
By tradition, you can fool an enemy with a fake flag until battle begins-- but then you have to show your these
(true) colors
A puma's home in the mountains, or a dragons home in an arcade
Unlike the way it's often used a steep one of these doesn't mean the subject is tough it means you get more ability quicker
Learning Curve
These lyric poets or minstrels of the 11th to the 13th centuries wrote in the Provençal language
This humped variety of ox originated in South Asia (15 points)