Who is the longest standing org on UWGB campus?
Phoenix Catholic
When was UWGB founded?
How many bones has Lola broken?
7 bones
How many days are actually included in lent?
46 days
Who is the patron saint of Fance?
Saint Joan of Arc
How long ago did sister Laura take the role of Campus Ministry Director? (years)
9 years ago
How many alumni does UWGB have?
Over 50 thousand
How many countries has Mark been to?
What is the most common thing given up during Lent?
Who is the patron saint of animals?
Saint Fancis of Assisi
What was our first dinner of the year?
Taco Night
How many acres does UWGB have?
700 acres
What is Morgan's summer job?
Madison Mallards
What prayer of the mass is omitted during lent?
Who is the patron saint of fisherman?
Saint Andrew
Who was Sister Laura's guest on "Sister's Cooking Night," & How long has this guest cooked for the convent?
Shanda, 3 years
When did UWGB start offering a 4 year bachelor's degree?
What type of equipment lifts is McKella certified in using?
Forklift, Scissor Lift, and Genie Lift
Normally, priests say on Ash Wednesday during the handing out of ashes, "Remember that you are dust and from dust you shall return." That is the other saying priests can say?
"Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel"
What saint is the patron saint of bees, beekeepers, and the city of Milan?
Saint Ambrose
Father Kevin attended one dinner this year. Which one was it?
Halloween Night
Who was the first chancellor?
What saint does Jackie share her birthday with?
Saint Joseph
What is triduum?
Latin word for three. Includes the three holiest days of the Church year from sundown on Holy Thursday, through Good Friday and Holy Saturday to sundown on Easter Sunday.
What are the three steps of the Catholic canonization process?
Venerable (lived a heroic life), Blessed, Saint