The Watusi, the Mashed Potato, and the Funky Chicken were all inspired by but never quite reached the famous heights of this Chubby Checker dance
What is the Twist?
When established in 1732, the Georgia colony banned rum, buying and selling land, and this practice that led to a civil war in the next century
What is slavery?
Marty Robbins spins a tale of the dancer Feleena at Rosa's Cantina in a ballad named for this West Texas city where its events take place
What is El Paso?
Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon was known by this snappier title for the last 50 years of her life to avoid confusion with her daughter
What is the Queen Mother?
In an idiom, seeing red means to become enraged; the phrase may come from this sport where red flags are waved
What is bullfighting?
Walter Mondale picked this woman as his running mate in 1984; it was a historic pick but the ticket was ultimately blown out by equally historic margins
Who is Geraldine Ferraro?
This prolific actor starred in Fatboy Slim's "Weapon of Choice" music video, dancing (and flying) around a deserted hotel lobby
Who is Christopher Walken?
After much corruption in how land was granted to Georgia settlers in the late 1700s, the state switched to this chance-based distribution system
What is a lottery?
In "Hello Seattle", Adam Young of Owl City casts himself as a manta ray who will "crawl the sandy bottom" of this nearby body of water
What is Puget Sound?
Queen Letizia of Spain, the first commoner in her role, worked in this writing-heavy profession before her marriage to the future King Felipe VI
What is journalism?
The deadly sin of wrath is known by this name in Latin, also the name of radio host Glass and composer Gershwin
What is Ira?
Comedian Andy Kaufman (supposedly) died on May 16, 1984; his legacy includes a tribute song by REM and a Jim Carrey biopic, both with this name
What is "Man on the Moon"?
Tupac Shakur and Herschel Walker both took lessons in this kind of dancing with a softer image than their main careers
What is ballet?
In 1943, voters amended the state constitution to make Georgia the first state to lower the voting age to this
What is 18?
This 1985 Starship song was ostensibly about Los Angeles, but radio stations often inserted their own voiceover to localize the message
What is "We Built This City"?
Olga, Tatiana, and Maria were the three older sisters of this grand duchess; the four girls were born at even two-year intervals but all died on the same day
Who is Anastasia Romanova?
This sports video game series active since 1988 has a name that can also mean "to anger"
What is Madden?
The 1984 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to this Anglican priest who would soon be named Bishop of Johannesburg and then Archbishop of Cape Town
Who is Desmond Tutu?
Channing Tatum had his breakout performance in this 2006 dance film that spawned 4 sequels, a Chinese spinoff, and a TV series
What is Step Up?
Less than 5 years before flying from New York to Paris, this aviator flew his first ever solo flight at Souther Field in Americus, Georgia
Who is Charles Lindbergh?
This city was calling for the Clash in a 1979 song and double album of the same name
What is London?
Queen Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba spent 30 years defending her kingdoms, part of modern-day Angola, from this colonial empire
What is the Portuguese Empire?
This slang term for becoming uncontrollably angry was inspired by a string of violent workplace incidents across the US in the late 20th century
What is going postal?
In June 1984 Indira Gandhi ordered a raid on the holiest site in this religion; unfortunately it was also the religion of her bodyguards, who killed her for it a few months later
What is Sikhism?
This dancer defected from the Soviet Union in 1961 despite KGB efforts to stop him - the first major defection of a Soviet artist during the Cold War
Who is Rudolf Nureyev?
For 2 years in the early 2000s, the Georgia state flag included miniature versions of the modern US flag, the Betsy Ross flag, and this many historical state flags
What is 3?
This ex-member of Fifth Harmony rhymed her hometown with "Atlanta" in a 2017 number one hit
Who is Camila Cabello?
Charlotte of Belgium joined her husband Maximilian across the ocean to rule this country for three years in the 1860's; she was known by locals as Carlota
What is Mexico?
The four classical temperaments are sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic, and this one driven by anger and irritability
What is choleric?
1984 was the introductory model year of the Dodge Caravan and the Plymouth Voyager, the first cars to be marketed under this classification
What is minivan?