What does the T stand for in Tulip?

What is Total Depravity.


What does the U stand for in Tulip?

What is Unconditional Election.


What does the L stand for in Tulip?

What is Limited Atonement.


What does the I stand for in Tulip?

What is Irresistible Grace.


What does the P stand for in Tulip?

What is Perseverance of the Saints.


What is Total Depravity mean?

What is the condition of being without any good- being full of sin and evil.


What does Unconditional Election mean?

What is God chooses  to save certain lost sinners. 


What is Limited Atonement mean?

What is to pay the full price or make complete satisfaction for a wrongdoing. Jesus died to save or sins. 


What is Irresistible Grace mean?

What is to show grace or mercy is to show love, pity and forgiveness to someone who doesn't deserve it. 


What is Perseverance of the Saints mean?

What is the act of continuing: not stopping or falling away.


The _____ is deceitful above all things, and desperately ______: who can know it.~ Jeremiah 17:9

what is heart, wicked

Ye have ___ chosen me, but _ ____ ______ ___. ~ John 15:16a (Jesus said)

What is not, I have chosen you.


How is Jesus an example of Limited Atonement?

What is salvation, Jesus dieing on the cross of our sins.


What is the meaning of irresistible?

What is too powerful or convincing to be resisted: or  tempting to be resisted: 


Who are _____  by the ____ of ___  through faith unto salvation ready to be _______ in the last time? ~ 1 Peter 1:5

What is kept, power, God and revealed.


Why if you don't believe/understand total depraved you don't beleive/understand the rise of Tulip?

What is if you do not believe in total depravity than you do not truly have a need for a Savoir because you than believe you are capable of doing it yourself. 


What does unconditional mean?

What is that there is nothing I need to do or have in order Christ to save me.


I pray for them:I ____ not for the _____ but for ____ which thou hast gave __ , for they are thine. ~ John 17:9

What is pray, world, me


For it is ____ which worketh in you both  __ ___ and __ __ of his pleasures. ~  Philippian 2:13

What is God, to will, to do.


What does Perseverance of the saints teach us?

What is that no matter how much my old nature struggles with sin, and no matter how much I feel I am unrothy, The Lord has promised to hold me forever in the palms of His Hands, and I cannot fall out of grace. 


Does total Depravity mean that we can not make good decsions?

What is we are capable of making good decisions but every human action is mixed with evil and there is a inward distortion which makes all human actions displeasing to God.


Why do people say if I'm not saved by election and God does not pick me to be saved, I can not change God's will, why should I try then. What is the use. how does this connect to Unconditional Election?

What is if there was no election no one would be saved, so instead of depending on myself I am able to believe that God from eternity has already decreed that there is salvation for all those who call upon His Name.


What is the main message of atonement?

What is Guilt. Atonement teachs us are guit and that we need Christ has are Savior.


What is irreesistable grace the same as effectual calling?

 What is irresistible grace is also called effectual grace or calling. This is that the saving grace of God is effectually applied to the elect in God's timing, overcoming their resistance to the gospel and brings them into Christ.


The Bible states in Hebrews 10:26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins? How does this connect with perserverance of the saints?

What is, this is a part of the Bible where the Lord warns His people as a Father who threatens His children. That if they continue to willfully sin they will lose their assurance of salvation, but they cannot lose salvation.