Around the Globe

Easily said but still mis-announced when this movie won Best Picture at the 2017 Academy Awards 

What is La La Land?


Travel up north every Memorial Day and you could see this sporting event in action.

What is the Indy 500? 

Elizabeth Simmermeyer may be the worlds longest name, but this is the worlds longest river. 

What is the Amazon River? 


Although many people have big hearts, it is instead this organ that comes in as the largest of the human body 

What is skin?


We all love our mutts and so does she, so much so she opened Muttnation rescue organization for mutts of all kinds

Who is Miranda Lambert? 


The camping trip may be the best scene in the movie but she does an even better job at portraying these twin sisters

Who is Lindsay Lohan? 


Three strikes in bowling gets you this but three plates of this at Thanksgiving puts you to sleep

What is a Turkey? 


Not to get confused with the largest dessert, this is the largest desert in the world

What is the Sahara? 


Just like Ogres and onions have layers, the earth has these 3

What are the crust, core and mantle?


Don't get her confused with Cheryl, this singers first released single featured Ringo Star

Who is Cher?


Dug T. may be granny's first child, but this movie was the first Pixar movie, you could even say it was their first child 

What is Toy Story? 


Many teams have animals as their logo but this team decided to be different and be styled with a plant. 

Who are the New Orleana Saints?


Flowing through the Grand Canyon, i'm sure the banks of this river hold some beautiful views

What is the Colorado River? 


If you're riding on the back of a dolphin you may be grabbing onto this fin

What is a dorsal fin?


Having one of the best songs about prison, he ironically recorded 2 of his best selling albums behind bars

Who is Johnny Cash?


Maria had quite a time watching this number of kids for the Von-Trapp family 

What is 7?


This team holds the record for the most points ever scored in the 1990 super bowl. The bengals scored 20 points against the Rams but this team defeated their opponent by 45 points. 

Who are the San-francisco 49ers? 


Hawaii's islands are pretty small, but this island comes in as the biggest island in the world

What is Greenland?


It's definitely not uranus, because this is the lightest planet in the solar system 

What is Saturn?


Bitsy may be the material girl of this family, but this singer is known as "The Material Girl" of the music industry

Who is Madonna?


The highest grossing film of all time 

What is Avengers: Endgame? 


They still play today but in 1930 they were the first champions of the Fifa World Cup

Who is Uruguay? 


California sees a lot of earthquakes but not as many as this country, as it comes in as the country most prone for earthquakes

What is Japan?


Not to be mistaken for Dolly Parton, this Dolly was the first animal to be cloned

What is a sheep?


Thank goodness they changed there name because the New Yardbirds is not as cool sounding as their current name

Who is Led Zeppelin?